The man you see in the picture will soon be swept from office in the forecoming general elections 2012 unless we get lucky and he ends up admiting we need elections sooner and admiting he has been a curse to our country.
Dissenting voices are being heard these days in Zapatero´s Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) calling for a "change" of policies and not hiding that the best change would be to lose sight of Zapatero for the next 4 or 50 years.
Critics are springing up like mushrooms in autumn after Zapatero´s chosen one to run as candidate to the Madrid regional elections (Trinidad Jiménez) was defeated in the primary elections held this last October 3rd and after the polls published in 3 important newspapers show a gap of almost 14 points between PP and PSOE.
PSOE´s regional leaders are not being critic after realizing that Zapatero is a damnation for our country, that they knew long ago and did not care when they did not feel their "thrones" at risk, they are being critic now that they are really scared of losing their priviledges and status.
In some regions like Andalucía PSOE has been the ruling party for the last 35 years and losing that position is a nightmare for the thousands of PSOE politicians and tens of thousands of friends and relatives of these that have been digitally (using the finger) appointed. Not to mention all the rubbish that a rotten regional administration and an accomplice judicial system have been hiding for decades
In terms of national economy Zapatero´s legacy is a total tragedy for all of us. A soaring foreign debt skirocketing in the last three years, some 5 million real unemployed workers (22% of the total workforce) coming from 2 million in 2004 (11%), 2 out of 3 new unemployed workers in the EU live in Spain, our unemployment rate doubles that of the Eurozone and it is 2.5 times OCDE´s average unemployment.
Zapatero has weaken the Spain´s unity by irresponsibly supporting divising laws and by granting nazionalist parties political and economical support. He has divided the civil society by passing laws allowing 16 year old girls to abort without parental consent.
It is really odd that while Zapatero allows underage girls to kill their babies on their own he does not allow them to go to the cinema to watch a movie (Blood Money) about the thriving abortion industry, its killing methods and the psycological consequences of abortion. This movie is rated +18...
Zapatero´s cabinet is crowded with either unskilled socialist demagogues heading useless ministries or professional liers such as our Vice President María Teresa Fernández de la Vega or ministry of interior Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba. Zapatero has always removed from his side independent thinkers and intelligent people who rather serve Spain than our maniac President.
Soon part two. More figures and some interesting information about Zapatero´s boys and girls