Monday, 29 November 2010

The story of a (possible) betrayal. Chirac, Mohamed and Zapatero together against Spain?

In 2001 Spain was becoming stronger in the Gibraltar Strait scenario, Spain did not let dictator Mohamed Sixth play with Spain the usual menace game of "you do this or things will happen..."; our country had its own foreign policy and was defending its strategical interests.

Traditionally France and Morocco have shared a common interest in keeping Spain relatively weak. France has always had a big interest in keeping some control in the area of the Strait of Gibraltar through its Moroccan ally and the allience Mr. José María Aznar had established with the US and Britain was a matter of concern in Paris.
France had important oil businesses going on with Sadam Hussein at the time of the US British military intervention in Irak, and french authorities did all they could to refrain other countries from intervening.

Mr. Zapatero paid a visit to tyrant king Mohamed Sixth in December 2001 at the time when the Moroccan ambassador to Madrid had been withdrawn and Morocco was using its traditional methods of putting pressure: allowing illegal immigrants cross the border to Spain and letting the drug flow into Europe (if you wonder if the Moroccan king has some share in these two "businesses" just remeber that nothing goes on there without some kind of royal consent).

Since one of Zapatero´s main points was what he called to return to the "heart of Europe" (meaning France and Germany) instead of building the transatlantic bond with the US, Zapatero was an easy prey for the Moroccan dictator who knew he could use this power thirsty maniac to his benefit. Mohammed promised Zapatero his support if Zapatero gave him in exchange the guarantees of changing the Spanish foreign policy once he was in office. France of course was more than happy if Mohammed could help them get rid of the audacious José María Aznar.
And there he was sitting by Mohammed in a room presided by a map of Morocco that included non Moroccan territories like Ceuta, Melilla, the Canary Islands or the Western Sahara.
Morocco was very concerned about the facts that Spain was supporting the implementation of the UN resolution on conducting a referendum of self-determination in Western Sahara (something Morocco totally opposes) and was building a good relation with Morocco traditional foe: Algeria.

All these things infuriated the Sultan and his French ally. Some months later Morocco put to test the Spanish government determination by invading a small Spanish island (Perejil). Moroccan authorities wanted to see if Spain was going to back up in its will to mantain a strong position and defending the Spanish strategical interest and the answer came in July 2002 when this island was liberated.
The day after this bloodless Spanish intervention King Mohammed VI sent her sister, Princess Lalla Mariam, to Paris with an urgent message for Jacques Chirac. Mohamed VI urged Chirac to act together to rein Spain in. The response from Paris to Mohamed VI was this: "It's now or never when we must act to oppose the Spanish penetration in Morocco." (source Ignacio Cembrero, journalist in "El País" newspaper)
It must also be said that during the Perejil island crisis France never showed its support to Spain even though these two countries are allies within the European Union and the NATO, which is very revealing.
France and Morocco knew then that Aznar was not going to change his policy and they also knew that Zapatero was going to "return" to the "heart of Europe" (whatever the hell that is) and also to let Mohammed do and undo at his royal will in the Western Sahara. Also, and very important, Zapatero must have promised in those days to give a lower profile to the Spanish-Algerian relations and the facts are that Algeria is really pissed with Zapatero after the Spanish government paid a ramson to the same terrorist that Algeria is continuously fighting. Of course now Algeria is threatening to increase gas prices to Spain.
Then in March 11th 2004, 3 days before the General Elections in Spain the attack took place and Zapatero achieved an unexpected victory. Those who planned the attacks new very well what the reaction would be among Spanish voters. The attack was performed to make Zapatero become President in Spain. Almost all the attackers were Moroccans and the first thing they asked after being able to speak to their lawyers was : "who has won the elections?"
Al Qaeda knows very little aout the complexities of Spanish idiosyncrasy and they would never have come up with such a sociological attack. This attack was perpetrated in the precise date and in the precise manner so as to change the will of the voters and achieve its goals.
The interesting part is that these goals were pretty much consistent with the interests of both Moocco and France. Striking, isn´t it?
Pd. Morocco is beating, raping, sacking and torturing the Western Sahara population these days but do not look for a note of protest from the Spanish will not find that...Striking isn´t it?

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Tales of a Traitor blackmailed by a Tyrant. Is President Zapatero paying King Mohamed´s silence over a coup d´etat disguised as a terrorist attack?

Sometimes the worst possible scenario is the only one that makes sense.

Did Moroccan secret services and thus omnipresent King Mohammed have something to do with the 11th of March 2004 terrorist attacks in Madrid?

If the answer is yes: Why were the Moroccan authorities interested in helping these attacks take place just 3 days before the Spanish General Elections?

If the answer to the above question is that the final outcome of those General Elections, Mr. Zapatero unexpected victory, was what Moroccan services were seeking then the third question would be if Zapatero or the Spanish Socialist Party at any level knew about the Moroccan plotting.

If the answer to the last question is yes then there is a final set of questions with very disturbing answers whatever these may be :
Did the Spanish Socialist Party cooperate at any level with this plot?

Did they know the proportions of this undercover coup d´etat, that is 192 killed persons?

What did Moroccan services and the king ask for in return for their "assistance"?

Let us go over what has been going on in the last 9 years.

Year 2001, Mr. José María Aznar, Popular Party, is leading the Spanish government. The Spanish foreign policy is aligned with the USA and Great Britain and there is a solid support to the war on terrorism. In Northern Africa Mr. Aznar is aligned with Algeria, Morocco´s first enemy in the area and Spain´s main natural gas supplier.

The Spanish pro-Algerian position infuriates King Mohammed of Morocco. Algeria has several disputes with Morocco including the Western Sahara. The Saharaui cause has historically been supported by Algeria, who was excluded of the Madrid Treaty, after Spain cowardly handed the control of the territory to satisfy Moroccan imperial will.

Spain is pushing forward the creation of a census in Western Sahara in order to comply with UN resolutions for the referendum of self-determination of the inhabitants of this occupied territory. Spain is also strengthening its military might in both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar, saying no to Moroccan exorbitant economic claims to allow Spainish ships to fish in what only Morocco considers its own waters (Western Sahara waters in fact). Also discussions have not progressed on a comprehensive maritime delimitation, setting limits on resource exploration and refugee interdiction, leading Spain to unilaterally designate a median line from the Canary Islands.

Morocco´s answers to this unspected strong position from Spain is to foster illegal inmigration and to withdraw its ambassador to Madrid. Never since the 1960´s had Spain showed this determination to Moroccan tyrants.
In December 2001 José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, leader of the Spanish Socialist Party since 2000, visited King Mohammed and accepted to be photographed sitting by the king with a big map of Morocco, that included Spanish territories, presiding the scene. Why did the tyrant invited Zapatero and why was Zapatero providing political support to this tyrant in a very tense moment, only 2 months after Morocco decided to withdraw its ambassador to Madrid? Why on Earth was Zapatero acting as if he was a loyal subject of Mohammed? Why was Zapatero in need of the tyrant´s support and at the time when this tyrant was acting undisguised as a true enemy of Spain?

What could have made the leader of a party that has historically supported the Saharaui people go kotowing the tyrant that has succeeded his bloody father in torturing and harassing those Saharaui men and women?

Imagine the Republican Party leader paying a visit to the leader of a country that has withdrawn its ambassador in Washington and that declares Obama a traitor!!
In July 2002 Moroccan troops occupied the Island of Perejil, a tiny Spanish uninhabited island in the Strait of Gibraltar claimed by Morocco. The purpose of this action was no other than to test the Spanish answer and to acquire an advantageous position to negotiate with the hated Aznar´s government. Some weeks later Spanish elite troops expelled the Moroccan military with no blood shed sending a very strong response to King Mohammed.

Spain was determined to go on supporting the Sahara Referendum, to strengthen its military control of its waters and to build up a friendly relationship with Algeria and it was Morocco´s problem to send a new ambassador to Madrid, and most important was not going to allow king Mohammed to goof around with sovereignity matters.

Then in March 11th 2004 several bombs killed 192 persons in Madrid and 3 days later Zapatero unexpected victory was a fact.

"Evidence" were "found" in 24 hours leading to determine it had been an Islamic act of terror. Such as a conveniently handy-dandy Q´aram cassete tape in a van, a hand bag with a type of explosive that is not the one used by ETA (funny that this bomb had no igniting device...)

The attack has never been claimed by Al Qaeda, the modus operandi was completely different to the attacks in New York and London, no suicide attack was committed. All the evidences from the train debris, unclaimed clothes and objects were destroyed or put to fire in less than a week.

All the suppoused authors of the attack died some weeks later in a flat surrounded by the police after an alleged shooting. The only ones who escaped either ran to Morocco and ended up vanishing or allegedly died in Irak or Afghanistan.

No intellectual mastermind of these attacks was ever determined to be behind the whole plot or was ever found.

Years later it has been scientifically proven that the explosive blasted in those trains was not the alleged Goma 2 ECO nor Goma 2 EC...the same found in the phony evidence conveniently "found" in the hand bag the police used to determined the type of explosive...Six Police, Guardia Civil and independent specialists came to that same conclusion: The explosive found in the scarce evidence that was not destroyed was NOT the explosive determined to have been during the trial.

All evidence lead to believe that the same sewer systems of the Police loyal to the Socialist Party during the dirty war against ETA had fooled the still in office Spanish government to make it first believe that it was ETA and then "solving" the case by finding the appropriate evidences in a record time.

Basically they had 48 hours to do that so everyone would go to vote thinking that the government had lied to the people and that the attacks were the consequence of the Spanish support to the USA in the Irak war.

Over 90% of the arrested and convicted criminals were police informers, and mostly Moroccans and they made their living by dealing with drugs

During those days someone named Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba dared to say: "Spain deserves a government that will not lie".(This man is now Minister of the Interior and has an unbeatable track record of lies and humbugs. In 1995 he said that there would never be any evidence of the suppoused support given by the Socialist Government to illegal counter terrorists group GAL and months later the Minister of Interior was imprisoned for that support together with the Chief of Police.)

You can read more about the March 11th 2004 attacks in Madrid in this blog but going back to the consequences that this terrorist attack had for the Moroccan-Spanish ralations let us go over what has happened in recent years, months and days:

-Spain has quited supporting the Sahara´s Referendum. Now the Spanish position is that both parties must come to an agreement (regardless of what the agreement is like)

-Spain has abandoned its position regarding the territorial waters between Canary Islands and the coast of Morocco.

-The Artillery Command deployed in the Strait of Gibraltar has been dismantled and raplaced by a simple regiment

-Morocco is building its biggest naval base 20 kilometers away from the Spanish town of Ceuta.

-During the King´s supported "spontaneous" demonstrations in the border between Spain and Morocco in Melilla where Spanish police women were insulted and threatened and the demosntrators accused of racism to our police with no evidences the minister of Foreign Affairs did not end his holidays in France and there was no protest note from the Spanish Government.

-These days the Moroccan Army has stormed in a civilian saharaui camp, arresting, shooting and killing, looting and plundering and they have expelled all Spanish journalists covering this massacre. The Moroccan Foreign Affairs minister in a join press conference with his colleague Trinidad Jiménez has accused the Spanish media of being anti-Moroccan, biassed and even racists and our minister Mrs. Jiménez said that she respects but does not share her colleague opinion. No condemn about the murder of civilians, a Spanish citizen among these. President Zapatero has not yet said a word about this.

No matter what Morocco does, Spain´s official answer is that Morocco is one of our dearest friends and that we shall ask the Moroccan authorities about their opinion on what has happened, no official condemnation or a hint of criticism that could annoy King Mohammed.
Perhaps the criminal attacks on March 11th 2004 are not the reason for it, but the facts prove that after these attacks and since Zapatero has been running the Spanish Government (also since March 2004) the Moroccan authorities have achieved all they wanted with respect to Spain.
Unfortunately there is no other explanation more reasonable to understand Spain´s current position with respect to Morocco and the submissive behaviour of our President and all his cabinet when dealing with the non democratic government of Morocco than to acknowledge that Moroccan services know something that could destroy Zapatero´s political future and plunge the Spanish Socialist Party into the depths of hatred of all Spaniards...for centuries.
Sometimes the worst possible scenario is the only one that makes sense...and sometimes I wish I had no common sense or at least I DO wish I my common sense is fooling me. However traitors exist and so do tyrants and sometimes they meet in December.