Did Moroccan secret services and thus omnipresent King Mohammed have something to do with the 11th of March 2004 terrorist attacks in Madrid?
If the answer is yes: Why were the Moroccan authorities interested in helping these attacks take place just 3 days before the Spanish General Elections?
If the answer to the above question is that the final outcome of those General Elections, Mr. Zapatero unexpected victory, was what Moroccan services were seeking then the third question would be if Zapatero or the Spanish Socialist Party at any level knew about the Moroccan plotting.
Did they know the proportions of this undercover coup d´etat, that is 192 killed persons?
What did Moroccan services and the king ask for in return for their "assistance"?
Let us go over what has been going on in the last 9 years.

What could have made the leader of a party that has historically supported the Saharaui people go kotowing the tyrant that has succeeded his bloody father in torturing and harassing those Saharaui men and women?

Then in March 11th 2004 several bombs killed 192 persons in Madrid and 3 days later Zapatero unexpected victory was a fact.
"Evidence" were "found" in 24 hours leading to determine it had been an Islamic act of terror. Such as a conveniently handy-dandy Q´aram cassete tape in a van, a hand bag with a type of explosive that is not the one used by ETA (funny that this bomb had no igniting device...)
The attack has never been claimed by Al Qaeda, the modus operandi was completely different to the attacks in New York and London, no suicide attack was committed. All the evidences from the train debris, unclaimed clothes and objects were destroyed or put to fire in less than a week.
No intellectual mastermind of these attacks was ever determined to be behind the whole plot or was ever found.
Years later it has been scientifically proven that the explosive blasted in those trains was not the alleged Goma 2 ECO nor Goma 2 EC...the same found in the phony evidence conveniently "found" in the hand bag the police used to determined the type of explosive...Six Police, Guardia Civil and independent specialists came to that same conclusion: The explosive found in the scarce evidence that was not destroyed was NOT the explosive determined to have been during the trial.
All evidence lead to believe that the same sewer systems of the Police loyal to the Socialist Party during the dirty war against ETA had fooled the still in office Spanish government to make it first believe that it was ETA and then "solving" the case by finding the appropriate evidences in a record time.
Basically they had 48 hours to do that so everyone would go to vote thinking that the government had lied to the people and that the attacks were the consequence of the Spanish support to the USA in the Irak war.
Over 90% of the arrested and convicted criminals were police informers, and mostly Moroccans and they made their living by dealing with drugs
During those days someone named Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba dared to say: "Spain deserves a government that will not lie".(This man is now Minister of the Interior and has an unbeatable track record of lies and humbugs. In 1995 he said that there would never be any evidence of the suppoused support given by the Socialist Government to illegal counter terrorists group GAL and months later the Minister of Interior was imprisoned for that support together with the Chief of Police.)
You can read more about the March 11th 2004 attacks in Madrid in this blog but going back to the consequences that this terrorist attack had for the Moroccan-Spanish ralations let us go over what has happened in recent years, months and days:
-Spain has quited supporting the Sahara´s Referendum. Now the Spanish position is that both parties must come to an agreement (regardless of what the agreement is like)
-Spain has abandoned its position regarding the territorial waters between Canary Islands and the coast of Morocco.
-The Artillery Command deployed in the Strait of Gibraltar has been dismantled and raplaced by a simple regiment
-Morocco is building its biggest naval base 20 kilometers away from the Spanish town of Ceuta.
-During the King´s supported "spontaneous" demonstrations in the border between Spain and Morocco in Melilla where Spanish police women were insulted and threatened and the demosntrators accused of racism to our police with no evidences the minister of Foreign Affairs did not end his holidays in France and there was no protest note from the Spanish Government.
-These days the Moroccan Army has stormed in a civilian saharaui camp, arresting, shooting and killing, looting and plundering and they have expelled all Spanish journalists covering this massacre. The Moroccan Foreign Affairs minister in a join press conference with his colleague Trinidad Jiménez has accused the Spanish media of being anti-Moroccan, biassed and even racists and our minister Mrs. Jiménez said that she respects but does not share her colleague opinion. No condemn about the murder of civilians, a Spanish citizen among these. President Zapatero has not yet said a word about this.
Proofs? Blah blah blah but no proofs.
ReplyDelete"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". Carl Sagan.
ReplyDeleteProofs? The proofs are that since Zapatero is in office the Moroccans keep pushing and getting all they want. The 11th of march 2004 Morocco accomplished their main goal: a weak Spanish government that they can manage and blackmail. The first thing the terrorists asked after they could do so was : "who has won the elections?" and when they knew it had been Zapatero they all smiled. Proof? What has Zapatero done with respect to Western Sahara people...? proofs? why do Moroccans demonstrate against the opposition party???