It maybe sounds incredible and odd but the truth is that the Catalan Government wants to erradicate flamenco dolls and bullfighter puppets. All this based on that, according to ultra interventionists and fascists want-to-bes leftists from the 3 parties running the Catalan Government (the socialist, communist and separatists), the flamenco doll and the bullfighter toy are not representative of the Catalan culture.
My suggestion is that they may also ban Chinese, Indian, Greek and Argentinian restaurants, shut flamenco bars, raid into the Feria the Sevilla that takes place in Catalonia every year and where tens of thousands Catalan girls and women dress very much the same as these dolls they want to get rid of (
Enough for the banning ladies and gentlemen! Let these indian and chinese (or maybe they are not Catalan enough?) businessmen in "Las Ramblas" avenue run their business the way they want and do not tell them what can and what can´t they sell!!
Barcelona has always been an open city, it is a harbour town and it will always be cosmopolitan unless "big brother" who knows what is best for the poor lost people ends up deciding what can people sing in the shower according to some rotten and sick nationalist reason they will come up with!!
The Catalan administration is in the brim of bankruptcy, banks denying them any credit, the Catalan economy suffering more than the average of the rest of Spain´s economy and politicians in Catalonia seem to only be concerned about silly, empty and useless identitarian matters "shooting" at anything that is not catalan enough to their standards. But while they carry on this nationalistic frantic campaigns they do have the time to spend money and get some benefits for their own interest...
Will these little Stalins create ghettos for those who don´t think the way they think? What will the colour of the star be that we must sew in our clothes, or maybe it will be a bull badge?
Meanwhile our little Mao, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero has no time to be bothered with these things, he is too busy going on with his own social engineering to brainwash our children or to make us believe that abortion is a right and that no one gets hurt when you kill a helpless defenceless baby. He, our little Mao, wants to educate us all but he, our "beloved" leader cannot educate his own daughters who dressed as Adam´s Family members in the picture they took while in the White House with President Obama´s Family.
It will be a very interesting thing to analyze how these Zapatero´s gothic daughters can become the salvation for all Spaniards as they can be the reason for our little Mao to not run for the next elections.