Bernardino is currently Secretary General of the Presidency and has a reputation of "getting the job done" when things get tough for president José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, his boss. Unfortunately for all Spaniards President Zapatero has been managing the current economic crisis worse than the rest of the Western leaders and Mr Bernardino has become a real busy firefighter in the international arena extinguishing all the fires his boss has started.
Mr. León is by far much more efficient than Mr. Moratinos (Foreign Affairs Ministry) when it comes to calm the finacial markets or to explain the economic policies the Spanish Government has in the pipeline (policies that have been constantly changing until now depending on Zapatero´s mood).
Mr Zapatero has been denying the very existence of the crisis until less than a year ago and has recently being forced by the EU and the IMF to implement severe budget cuts. The severity of these cuts is the result of Zapatero´s denial of the very existence of an economic crush in the first moments when other milder measures could have been implemented.
Mr León is a very appreciated individual among the top decission makers both in the financial markets and the high net worth politics, and according to several sources he is already being prepared for his presentation as a solid alternative to lazy and naive Zapatero. You will not hear his name in the media as a candidate to replace the all burnt out Zapatero and that is part of the strategy being managed to keep him away from the sinking socialists government as much as possible before he pursues his goal: being Spain´s next President.
Estás bien infomado, parece. Bernardino León ha asistido a varias reuniones del Bilderberg. Tiene el apoyo de PRISA