The criminal was an Afghan police agent that was serving as official driver within the Spanish base. He was shot by a Guardia Civil patrol inside the base right after he shot these three persons.
Shortly after these things happened hundreds of those Afghans that the Spanish troops are suppoused to aid in this "humanitarian" mission, sieged the base throwing stones and trying to set the premises on fire in an extremely violent turmoil demanding the corpse of the criminal.
Finally Afghan soldiers took control of the situation and the protestors dispersed.
These things have happened 24 hours after other muslim terrorists liberated the two Spaniards they held captive somewhere in the Sahel (Sahara) after the Spanish government paid (we all paid to be more precise) some 5 to 8 million euros.
After this attack a total of 95 Spaniards have been killed in this so called "humanitarian" mission...That is 47 times more than those killed in the Irak war during Jose María Aznar´s Administration were 2 agents from the CNI (secret service) were killed.
Spanish troops were deployed in Irak after the main combats were over and in a reconstruction mission that according to PSOE (Spain´s Socialist Party) was nothing but a war mission and an illegal mission as well. None of the military were killed in this "illegal" war, 95 have been killed or died in the Afghan "candy delivery friendly mission".
In the above pictures we can see how friendly and peaceful these Qala-i-Now citizens are and how they appreciate the reconstruction work performed by our troops.
In less than a week we have bent over before King-dictator Mohamed VI of Morocco (who as we have said here, knows too much about certain facts that could ruin Zapatero´s career maybe regarding the big lie PSOE has told the public opinion with respect to March 11th 2004 terrorist attack) after he sent us demonstrators to spit on and harash our police women in the border booths in Melilla, we have paid some 5-8 million euros to terrorist that have praised us for our generosity as compared to France using the force to try to rescue a French citizen (who was later killed), and we have felt the "love" of Afghan people in return for our generosity.
War, President, the word is W A R. We are in the middle of a world war. Against terrorism? Not only against terrorism Mr. Zapatero, although for the general public that is what has to be said.
We are in a war against something you call a Civilization (Islam) and that you are willing to appease offering Islam our rear ends to quench their thirst for invasion, and calling that "Civilization Alliance".
What civilizationand what Allience can you offer people who see you and anyone that is not muslim as infidels? What kind of agreement can you sign with people who in the bottom of their hearts dream of reconstructing another Al-Andalus in Spain?
What can you offer them to prevent them from thinking that Spain is their promise land and us infidels are someones to deal with on a tactical base while they proceed with their strategical plans?
Everyone in the West claims that we all must help "moderate" muslims to prevent that their countries are taken over by wild intergrism fanatics. Does anyone sleep better after repeating this false mantra on and on?
What on Earth is "moderate" Islam? Is Egipt a moderate muslim country? If so why do they chase Copt Christians and every now and then burn their churches and of course dont let them rebuild them? If they are "moderate" why do they forbid the proselytism of other religions? Why do they inprision homosexuals on the grounds of being homosexuals? Why do they forbid a Christian man from marrying a muslim woman?
Is Morocco a "moderate" muslim country? The punishments they apply to Wetern Sahara resistance are not that moderate, they forbid proselytism of other religions, they have a feudal system, etc.
We are in a war against Islam even though that may sound too big for the Western public opinion who tend to make things relative and who interpret other cultures with our western approach to things. It is hard to swallow indeed but it is a fact.
Only two countries that were under Islam rule in the Middle Ages were able to expel them: Spain and Russia, in the rest they stayed and for any muslim (moderate, less moderate, so so moderate and fanatics) the concept of Umma (a Muslim world) is as valid as it was in Mecca at the end of the seventh century.
Humanitarian mission Zapatero? We shall talk about those soldiers who the Spanish government said that died in afghanistan after the Cougar helicopter crashed due to some "wind factor" and why some of their relatives claim that their sons, husbands, parents did not crash because of some winds but were shot from the ground while they flew low.
With respect to these 2 Guardia Civiles and their translator: Rest in PEACE heros!
"Guardia Civil: El honor es mi divisa"
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