The Obama administration removed this racism warning about Spain from the Department of State web page only a few hours before Michelle Obama landed in our country.
According to the State Department until August 2nd 2010 Afro-Americans visiting Spain were more likely to be arrested due to Spanish Police racist prejudices.
Thank you Hillary for considering us all of the sudden less racist than a week ago!! Thank you Barack and Michelle for giving us the chance to demonstrate that we are no bigots any more!!
We want to become a country as politically correct as the USA where black people (I call black black and white white otherwise I would have to be considered a European American if I was living in the US and if I was black I would be an Euro-African-American and that does not make sense to me) living in Chicago, Los Angeles, Detroit or New York have the same chances of being arrested than white people. We want to become a country where black people have the same opportunities to catch a taxi as white folks same as they do in the streets of New York at 1 am at night...
Since Michelle Obama´s visit to Spain we have gotten ridden of our sick racist mindset, now we are a bit more liberals and open minded and we shall go riding our donkeys in our bullfighter outfit down the streets of Madrid or Barcelona with our heads up high. Now we can all sleep our 3 hour daily siesta without having racist nightmares due to eating to much paella and drinking too much sangria.
We have carried this problem for centuries and I am not talking about racism, Brits and Americans are about 10 times more racist than we are, I am talking about bad-press and our black legends.
During the Spanish-American war, the yellow press led by Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer, published all kinds of supposed atrocities.
Frederick Remington while in Cuba told Hearst:
"Everything is quiet. There is no trouble. There will be no war. I wish to return."
Supposedly, although he (Hearst) denied it afterwards, he quickly wired back:
"Please remain. You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war."
Americans wanted Cuba at any cost and in my opinion they blew one of their ships (The USS Maine) in a Spanish harbour and entered that war for which the southern states and some fruit companies longed for so many years.
Barack Obama himself said in his famous speech to Egyptian students at Cairo University:
"Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance. We see it in the history of Andalusia and Cordoba during the Inquisition". HAHAHAHAHAAHA
"Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance. We see it in the history of Andalusia and Cordoba during the Inquisition". HAHAHAHAHAAHA
If I said something like:
Spain has a proud history of baseball players. We see it in the history of London during the Soccer Championship
It would make much more sense than Obama´s sentence. Obama claims himself as a historian sometimes, then how can hen read this total fiction sentence without blushing?
During the Inquisition (it would be more appropriate to say in the time of...) Cordova was no longer under Islam´s fist. It had been reconquest by Ferdinand the Third in 1236 and all the lives of the inhabitants respected.
The Inquisition was enforced in Spain in 1478.
So that supposedly tolerant muslim Cordova never coexisted with the Spanish Inquisition!!
Obama could have said that the best NBA seasons and matches took place during the Florence Renaissance and it would be as close to be true as his totally absurd sentence about Islam.
And going back to the Inquisition. It appears that Inquisition must always go together with the adjective "Spanish" like if it was something unique to Spain.
Well the Inquisition was first established by Pope Lucio III in 1184 almost 300 years before it was implemented in Spain (after 800 years of war against Islam). Inquisition was founded for all the Christian world and it was implemented in almost every country before it began in Spain.
In fact English jews were expelled to Spain before we did that same thing centuries later. Both things are evil yes, and also both things must be put into a context too but please do not give Spain the monopoly for the Inquisition!!
We have carried that black legend for years and still carry it and maybe no one in the Anglosaxon world has taken a close look at how many descendents of native Americans are there in the USA or Canada and how many are there in Mexico, Bolivia, Ecuador, etc.
Anyway, thak you Hillary for granting us a better status in your web page!!
Soon I shall write something very unknown about a Spanish and an American Hero named Bernardo Gálvez (Galveston is named after him) and how he busted half a dozen British Forts with a bunch of the finest Spanish warriors in a time of revolt in a place some British folks still call "The Colonies" with some stiff upper lip attitude.
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