Saturday, 7 August 2010

A world without "real" money? No thanks

Some supermarkets in Holland don´t accept cash payments and by 2014 most of them will not take bank notes, only plastic money:

This decision is based on preventing armed robberies. There were 200 armed robberies in 2008 in Holland and there are thousands of supermsarkets, and yes most of us are against people assaulting businesses so maybe we should support this decission. Or should we not?

Regardless of the fact that credit cards do not always do its work due to magnetic failures, chips being screwed, or bank problems of all kinds (connections, lack of funds and so on)if a retailer in Holland does not accept a bank note issued in euros, Holland´s official currency, paper money becomes a second class type of money and those who have not access to plastic money will not have access to that retailer´s good or services.

Another important subject to be taken into consideration, if not the most important, is the answer to the question: Must everyone have a credit or a debit card? If the answer is yes then the next question is short and disturbing: Why?

Why must everyone be compelled to have plastic money? If the answer is what Dutch supermarket retailers have argued, preventing robberies, my reaction is a sarcastic laughing.

Forcing people to pay with plastic money for the sake of security is like forcing a woman to wear a burka to prevent her from being raped or, like we say in Spain, to kill flies with canon shells.

If you want to prevent robberies, do it investing in security, complaining at police office or any other way you can think of instead of cutting my freedom to use my money, which is legal tender, the way I want.

The three main reasons behind the whole idea of getting rid of paper money are to control, then to control and finally to control, period.

It is not enough that anyone can be tracked and located using the mobile phone signal, even whe it is shut, and that governments, like ours in Spain, are issuing identity documents including a microchip, now they want us to tell them all what do we buy, when do we buy it, where do we buy it and how often do we buy it.

that way they can know what medicines we purchase, how often do we refuel, where do we go and how long do we stay in a place.

In Spain our Government praises the advantages of the new chip incorporated identity card. You can access your social security payments, they say, you can pay your taxes using internet, you can ask for your labour record and so on.

That is all true; so handy, so trendy, and so convenient, but it is also handy for the government that you use this chip card and it is also really interesting to trace you using satellites anywhere in the world.

If you are among those who give up their privacy and freedom for the sake of handiness I guess you will not have any problem the day your funds have been confiscated for whatever reason or you have been imprisoned for driving too fast and they got that information out of ur mobile phone signal.

I personally want my children to buy candy without that buying information being given to someone other than the shop tender, I want to buy the newspaper I choose without leaving a trace and I want to have a coffee without the fear of having my insurance company being updated on my vicious habits and given them some tips about why must they raise my insurance policy.

Let us keep our cash and let us keep our privacy or at least let us do so while YOU, dear BigBro, track our DNA in our brand new bank notes.
Some of us do not want to go on our knees, if not to pray to our loved only God. Amen.

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