Thursday, 5 August 2010

Spaniards find abortion more acceptable than noisy people at night

According to a recent survey conducted by Caja Madrid´s (a Spanish Savings Bank) Foundation Spaniards find social behaviours such abortion or euthanasia far more acceptable than to make noise at night in the streets or driving too fast.
Below some social behaviours listed from the most well tolerated to the least acceptable for Spaniards with the percentage of acceptance / tolerance:

1.- To apply euthanasia to anyone who asks for it 60,2%
2.- Entire freedom to abort 54,2%
3.-To have sexual relations with a person of the same sex 44,4%
4.-Death penalty to persons with very serious crimes 35,8%
5.-To smoke in public buildings 23,5%
6.-To commit suicide 21,0%
7.-To benefit from a professional promotion playing with advantage 17,5%
8.-To make pitfall in examinations 16,9%
9.-To get drunk in public places 15,1%
10.-A love adventure outside marriage 14,2%
11.-To smoke marijuana or hashish in public places 13,6%
12.-Genetic Modification of the food 12,7%
13.-Cheat in taxes 11,8%
14.-To buy something that is likely to have been stolen 11,5%
15.-To do noise on weekend nights 10,7%
16.-Stealing goods in large Department Stores 7,3%
17.-To look for excuses to skip work 6,9%
18.-To lie in self-interest although it may harm others 6,8%
19.-Driving too fast 6,2%
20.-Hiring an immigrant with worse working conditions for the
fact of being an immigrant 4,5%
21.-Drunk driving 4,0%
Building excuses to skip work or to steal a perfume in a department store is a much worse behaviour than to abort under any circumstances for most Spaniards. I am a Spaniard too and I cannot say I am not a bit in shock after going through this survey. I feel disgusted and ashamed of belonging to a society more concerned with their sleep or with their colleagues excuses to not go to work than with who and why must decide about an old man´s fate.

What lies behind this survey is a rotten and sick society of individuals that as long as they are not bothered or directly threatened they do not give a shit. We are a flock of sheep that does not care about an unborn baby because the killing of that someone we don´t see does not affect us, but if that baby would be there smoking then we would find that a shame!

In my opinion the attitude of the Spanish society pictured in this survey represents the success of those who have submitted us for the last 4 decades to a constant social engineering process and shows how powerful certain groups can become with the help of a continuous media bombardment.

This is worse than moral relativism. Moral relativism basically implies that nothing is "completely" good or bad and that it all depends on the context and so on... This survey shows that us Spaniards think that bad, wrong, evil and unacceptable things are those that can directly affect us in our lives: smoke, noise, cheating colleagues, drunk drivers and "illegal shoppers" (probably because we all know those robberies are included in what we pay).

In my opinion this survey proves that it is not (only) that we think that nothing is totally good or bad but that we tolerate and admit much more some really awful, bad and evil things like abortion or euthanasia because it is something that does not directly affect us.
Going more into detail this survey also shows that the younger the people the more upside down their values are.
Finally I find some comfort in that we find regrettable that immigrants are unfairly treated when hired, that is the only good news I can see in this dreary survey. I am also optimistic given the fact that the action-reaction principle has been a constant in human History and this status quo will revert into a healthier society despite some big brother wannabes.
Can you read me Zapatero?
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