Five really strong official notes from the Moroccan authorities backing what "their" demonstrators were protesting about (they protested about racist behaviours by Spanish Police), all the female police agents have been insulted and some beaten and spitted on.
These demonstrators acted with the full consent of King Mohamed VI and once his majesty decided that the pressure was enough they vanished as fast as they popped up from who knows where.
Instead of protesting before the Maroccan authorities the Spanish government decided to withdraw all female agents from the border control booths. Instead of forcing the demonstrators and their royal mentors to prove that their accusations were fundamented in a court they simply pulled all female police for the sake of that sick and rotten Zapatero´s idea of a Civilization Allience.
Several hundreds of Moroccan women earn their family´s living by carrying big bags on their heads with merchandise that they sell in Melilla (Spain) after crossing the border. These women were forbidden to do so by their fellow countrymen.
The problem is, as police organizations like SUP (sindicato unificado de policía) have said, that for a vast majority of male Moroccans it is something shameful and very non-muslim that a woman asks you to open your car´s trunk or tells you to hand her your identification.
So to have these muslim male chauvinist happy our "brave" government lead by Zapatero decides that the best thing to do is to make the problem (women) disappear.
Perhaps, Mohamed VI knows something about the terrorist attack in Madrid on March 11th 2004 that resulted in Zapatero´s unexpected victory three days later. Perhaps that something Moroccan king knows can be too hard for Zapatero to allow the public opinion to know it.
If we want Morocco king happy we should then give up our sovereignity over half our country and maybe provide the King with some hundreds of virgins every year to appease his wrath.
No incident Moratinos? No conflict? No crisis? What do you need to react like a human being? Maybe the only thing this pro-muslim, pro-dictator Moratinos and his boss would consider a crisis would be Morocco declaring war on us!! But just maybe. Anyway Zapatero has few time left, thank God, after his ridiculous speech in Sitges. Remember it President?
What will happen after we retire you, Mr Zapatero, in the polls? Will someone leak that information that Rubalcaba tries so hard to prevent from being made public?
We shall see.
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