Thursday, 9 September 2010

Al Qaeda praises and congratulates Zapatero. ETA wants his share too

In Spain the Ministry of Foreign affairs should be renamed as the Ministry for the Affairs of Foreigners.
Some months ago (see the post dedicated to it here ) two Spanish citizens were liberated by suppousedly Al Qaeda terrorist in North West Africa. The ransom payed was of some 5 to 8 million euros.
Spanish government made no comments on the money issue but Al Qaeda praised the behaviour of the Spanish government as opposed to that of the French. A French citizen who was also held captive by alqaeda in the same area was killed after a commando strike failed to rescue him. This man, like the two Spanish, was also in some humanitarian aid mission in the area but the French did not pay, thus Al Qaeda congratulated the Spanish Government for the way in which they had handle the issue and the French man was killed...
For God sake, why do we have to pay a ramson for these people on the first place? They knew where they were going and what goes on there. Now this non governmental organization is announcing a new aid trail for next season!!! Do they expect us all to pay again?
If we pay for grown people who take the decission to travel to a high risk area why on earth do not we pay for all kidnapped children? do we only pay to muslim terrorists or for those kidnapings that have a media coverage?
Zapatero, if YOU pay terrorist to save 2 lives this is what you get:
  • Terrorist will not use that money to buy food or medicines for starved children, they will not buy toys or candy. They will buy guns and ammunition to go with their killing and plundering business
  • Terrorist will take good note that a Spanish citizen is worth some 3 to 4 million euros whereas a French can cost the lives of the terrorists. Great news for Spaniards travelling the world: we are the most sought after by any "smart" terrorist
  • the Algerian government is really upset with this Spanish attitude because they suffer the impact that this money have in their country. We have funded terrorists, terrorist do kill, therefore we have funded murder. Algeria is really very upset with the Spanish government for this matter and also for the fact that Morocco is Algeria´s first enemy (they have a territorial dispute of more than 150,000 sq kilometers in the north-central border and the Western Saharan pro independence and anti-Maroccan forces´headquarters and the logistical support are in Algeria). Algeria is Spain´s most important natural gas supplier until now. As anyone can imagine the Algerian government is not in a romance with spain nowadays.

As icing on the cake we gave away a sea surveillance airplane for free to Mauritanian authorities to thank them for the liberation of a terrorist (these terrorist do not just wanted money...)

Our chancellor Moratinos seems to be under some spell and behaves as he was to defend all dictators in the world instead of Spain´s interests. Who pays for your salary Miguel Ángel? Why don´t you have the guts to catch a plane and fly to Algiers to explain your boss´conduct?

Moroccan King Mohamed´s henchmen spit and insult Spanish policewomen in the border booths and where is Mr. Moratinos? he is out on holidays in France, please do not disturb him. Moratinos comes back from his holidays and his first statement is "no incident occured". Fourteen Spaniards are beaten by Moroccan police and he say that we must comply with other countries laws when we are in those countries regardless of the fact that the penalty for non authorized peaceful demonstration is not being kicked and punched in the public square, not even in countries like Morocco.
It seems like he has his phone only available to listen to what Hamas, Hugo Chávez or who ever wears a turbant have to say instead of defending our country interests. For some reason Moratinos reminds me of those women who write love letters to imprisoned bloody criminals or even rapers; these women are often nice and caring but they do believe what their jailed lovers tell them and end up thinking that their loved ones are not as bad as the society think and that maybe it was not their fault to have murdered or rape.
Moratinos is the perfect foreign affairs ministry for President Zapatero, a man who began his first years in office strutting his good mood ("talante") whatever the heck that was suppouse to be and that is on his way to have his name written in the Guinness Book of Records under the epigraph "Biggest political liers in recent History"
At the beginning of this year a man who knows a lot about ETA terrorism Mr Jaime Mayor Oreja was warning that an ETA truce was on its way and he was warning that this cease fire was going to be as the other previous three, just a trick.
Mr. Mayor Oreja former minister of interior in the Popular Party administration is well known for his accurate predictions about ETA terrorists, however most media and all the socialist flock of idiots discredited his words as usual...Now ETa is offering a truce again with the sole intention of negotiating with our weak government that their political branch can run in the forecoming local elections. Mayor Oreja was also right, as he is also right when he says that this offer is a poisoned one, again.
Our government knows a lot about ETa and they know quite a lot about our government too and it is going to be very difficult for Zapatero to tell our home terrorist that he will not give ETA anything when ETa is watching how their colleagues in Somalia get millions for liberating a fishing ship and their Al Qaeda (by the way i doubt these were from Al Qaeda but anyway) pals get 3 to 4 million ramson for each captive they held.
Now ETA using some low budget spy movie manners contacts the BBC and handles this journalist their videotape where we can watch this typical ETA´s cumbersome staging of three hooded idiots sitting on a table with some flags on the background telling their old bollocks about invented oppresion and so on. They want money too!! They want to keep their way of life and they must be jallous of their turbanted colleagues.
Meanwhile some foreign media lioke the Finatial Times or the BBC still call ETA "basque separatist group" like if they were a band of rock and roll instead of a mafia gang of murderers and extortionists.
Wild, wild WEST...

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