Spain´s Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, known also as ZP by the general public is facing what almost all political analysts consider his worst political year.
ZP has denied the mere existence of an economic crisis and of a credit crunch. When other Western administrations were on their guard getting ready and passing contingency economic laws in order to face the worst part of the recession, ZP was still living, or trying to make us all live, in his particular socialist wonderland, only concerned about such "important" needs for Spaniards as the homosexual marriage or adapting Spain´s 20th Century History to what he would have liked it to be; trying to make sure that we all share his points of views and not giving a damn about the truth if that truth was not "his" truth.
Zapatero is not a clown, although he really looks and sometimes even acts as one, is not a dumb and it is not a fool. Zapatero is the worst among the Spanish political breed. He has never worked for any private company and he began his political career in the university and then in the PSOE in León (North West Spain) where he was famous for his ability to convince and for his ruthless eagerness to climb in the "aparatchik"
He was a dark and silent member of the parliament for several years and in year 2000 he became Secretary General in a very tied vote pushed by the fears and concerns that some Felipe González (Prime Minister from 1982 to 1996) supporters had about the other main candidate (José Bono).
In 2004 he won against all odds the General Elections, just three days after the worst terrorist attack in Western Europe (March 11th 2004) and soon after he became Prime Minister.
The terrorist attack that took place three days before he was elected remains unsolved, the explosive ended up being other different than the one the official version claimed it to be, yet in the three days right after the attack the PSOE mobilized all its terminals and supporters to siege the Partido Popular offices accross Spain and to call former Prime Minister (José María Aznar) a murderer.
For the PSOE and of course for Zapatero, March 11th 2004 must disappear from the political arena same as all the hundreds of tons of train wreckage and passengers personal belongings vanished with no reasonable explanation in less than 3 days.
Now this man, with a very complex mind and a Napoleonioc ego is realizing that his time as Prime Minister is over, and the problem is that he is smart and able to jeopardize Spain´s future to remain one or two more years in office. His good social democrat boy mask has fallen and his smile becomes even more artificial.
The cold facts are devastating. Zapatero has impoverish Spaniards at a fast rate destroying over a million employments when he postulated in his campaign in 2008 "Por el pleno empleo" (Towards the full employment), has increased indirect taxes that hit those lower classes he has always claimed to have defended, has fostered the believe outside Spain that our government is not a trustworthy one when he began saying in Tunez that he recommended other countries to do as he did, that is to pull out of Irak without consulting any ally.
Zapatero has always backed down when confronting dictators such as the ones in Morocco or in Venezuela, has looked to another side when police women were spitted and insulted and threatened by Mohamed VI henchmen (he said that he was some kind of "avenger for women", that may sound odd but is true).
He has taken care of details such as having as many women as men in his cabinet instead of being concerned about having the best of cabinets no matter if that means all women, all men or anything. He has been selling air and not a very good one and now he is about to leave not only empty handed but leaving us all divided, confronted and empty pocketed.
He has lied on and on and deep in his mind he knows that you can lie to someone several times, you can lie to some people some times but you cannot lie to everyone all the time.
I hope his wife Sonsoles can convince this man of getting some 20 or 30 years of holidays.
Tomorrow I shall talk about the alliances that Zapatero will be forced to do to remain in "La Moncloa" Palace another 14 to 18 months and why this alliances can mean even worst news for us all.
I look forward to hearing from you all readers and do not hesitate to comment and to send me articles that I promise I shall post in this blog provided they are correctly argued.
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