La Meca disco was founded in 1989 in the city of Águilas in the south east province of Murcia (Spain) with the only intention of establishing an entertainment business with some arab glamour.
This month of June "La Meca" was re-opened and this has exacerbated the wrath of several muslim groups accross the Islamic world.
If we were to believe that always repeated mantra most Western politicians want to tattoo in our brains that proclaims that only fundamentalistic muslims are evil, we would expect that only those fundamentalists have had a negative reaction regarding the fact that a disco has the name of an Arab city.
Well, contrary to what we could expect if we were to believe the bunch of naive and silly politicians that rule our Western countries the reaction accross the Umma (Islam countries and peoples) has been negative and threatening.
The same "spontaneous" group that led the demonstrations which took place at the Moroccan-Spanish border by the city of Melilla ("The Platform of Northern Morocco Civil Society") accusing the Spanish police to be racist without any evidence has urged the Moroccan Ulema Council to rule on the relations that the Spanish Popular Party (PP) has with muslim organizations in the Spanish cities of Ceuta and Melilla and they have added:
"...Especially when the party that promoted and gave approval to the name of Mecca to a nightclub in the coastal town of Murcia which governs this extremist party"
This Moroccan civil society organization that insulted and denigrated Spanish policewomen without presenting any evidence and that did not mention that some of those policewomen they yielded at had been spitted on, threatened and even slapped in their faces by Moroccan men entering Spain only for the fact of being women and doing their duties as policewomen.

In Morocco there is no "civil" society; the country is completely controlled by the dictatorship system former king Hassan II established and that his son Mohamed VI has improved and consolidated. No one does anything without the system´s approval, no one has profitable business without the king´s consent, newspapers can and are seized for whatever reason, etc. It is really funny how the Moroccan authoritarian regime has come with the "civil society" term to name this remote controlled organization that was created ad hoc for the occasion.
The re-opening of this disco has been featured in Al Jazeera Television, as well as in many other allegedly moderate muslim TV stations accross the world, also arab press, radio, web pages and all the media and the unanimous conclusion is that the fact that a disco is named after the city of Mecca is an insult. Then the official integrists muslim organizations have called to the holy war against Spanish crusaders, the demolition of our nuclear plants, the need for retaliation and all their usual crappy and sicky slogans and threats.
Meanwhile the moderate muslim community in Murcia has, while proclaiming how modarate and nice people they are, asked for the change of name for this disco as well as for some architectural remodeling.
The owners of this business have agreed to change the name and to undertake the appropriate changes of the building so as to become a more muslim friendly business.
Did these entrepreneurs accept these suggested changes out of an special sensitivity towards religion and not to offend muslims or were they scared to death of what they knew was behind the suggestions these muslim community representatives made?
Maybe the answer can be found in the endless number of businesses named "La Catedral" (The Cathedral) or La Iglesia (The Church) accross Spain. I have no news about The Vatican issuing a protest note or about Christian media calling for war.
At the end this is very much the same as the unanimous condemn that came out of the muslim world after those cartoons depicting Mohammed where published in Denmark.
Islam does not tolerate freedom of speech and has no room for sense of humor when who they claim to be a prophet is involved and that same applies to whatever they may think is holy and thus us infidels must refrain from even comment.
The same people who do not let us proselytize in the muslim countries, do not only proselytize in ours but also tell us how we must deal with whatever they consider sacred. The same people who have a highway in Saudi Arabia with a large highway sign (see picture above) that forbids non muslims to continue towards Mecca is telling us that we must rename a discotheque, build a mosque where muslims terrorist killed thousands of people or change our laws to adpt them to their lovely Sharia.
I would say it is about time to wake up and become aware of a fact that is as real as the sun rising in the east: Regardless of what we think Islam seeks, and means, submission not only from muslims, but also from us infidels and in a larger degree.
President Obama or our bewitched President zapatero can come up with their bollocks any time but that will not change the cold facts. We may not be at war with Islam but Islam is at a constant war with anything that is not Isam.
The problem is not the people but the ideology behind Islam and its compulsory mandates for supremacy. Scary? Yes, as scary as true; if someone wants your house and family the fact that you pretend to be his friend will not deter him from those objectives, furthermore it will encourage him to go on. It is about time to open a dabate on the need Islam has for a big change, or else we shall all be soon praying towards Mecca...
Dear author of the article,
ReplyDeleteI am not attacking you but all I want you to know one thing about muslims, and when I say muslims I mean the ones who read and understood the holy Quran not the ones who follow others without thinking, and about Islam; muslims want peace not war. Islam is a religion of forgiveness and peace. Sir, have you talked to a muslim or have you ever actually asked a muslim about why others who call them muslims kill innocent people around the world in the name of islam. I guess not, however , if you are interested in knowing what is islam and who are muslims please do not hesitate to contact me. I will give you one question to ask yourself : aren't the nazis christians? why did they kill others people?!!! Sir you can not judge a religion by a group of people