Monday, 13 September 2010

Obama´s speeches or don´t letting the truth spoil your false fantasies

In his famous speech at Cairo university President Obama said among other naiveness things:

"Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance. We see it in the history of Andalusia and Cordoba during the Inquisition."

Let us analyze that sentence.

Definition of tradition by the Merriam-Webster dictionary:

"An inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action or behaviour."

July 2010, Pakistan. Let us see how that inherited and established pattern applies today:

Recently more Christians are facing charges under the controversial blasphemy laws in Pakistan. Christian families in Lahore were forced to flee for their safety as thousands of Muslim protesters demanded death for Christians in Faisalabad who are alleged to have blasphemed against Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

Muslim mobs marched July 10-11 in Faisalabad City, in the province of Punjab, demanding the death penalty for two Christians, brothers Rashid Emmanuel, 32, an Evangelical pastor, and Sajid Emmanuel, a graduate business student of Daud Nagar, Faisalabad. They were arrested on July 2 on the charges of writing a pamphlet with blasphemous remarks about Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). They were detained at the Civil Lines Police Station Faisalabad.

Does that sound like a customary pattern of tolerance? Let us see what Mohamed, founder of Islam had to say to establish the beginning of that tradition of tolerance that Islam has according to barack Mohamed Obama:

"The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter" (Qur´an 5:33)
Very tolerant, isn´t it?

Qur’an9:123 “Fight the unbelievers around you, and let them find harshness in you.”
And the list goes on and on proving the origings of that customary pattern of tolerance Islam has for Obama.
But let us go back to President Obama´s sentences during that amazing speech full of lies and wishful thinking adressed to the Cairo University students:

"Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance. We see it in the history of Andalusia and Cordoba during the Inquisition."
The second of these sentences says that Islam proved to be tolerant in Andalusia and Cordoba during the Inquisition. It is hard to say so many lies all together with such few words.

Obama claims himself as a historian sometimes, then how can he read this total fiction sentence without blushing?

During the Inquisition (it would be more appropriate to say in the time of...) Cordoba was no longer under Islam´s fist. It had been reconquest by Ferdinand the Third in 1236 and all the lives of the inhabitants respected.
Lie number 1:

The Inquisition was enforced in Spain in 1478. An Islam ruled Cordoba NEVER coexisted with the Inquisition in Spain.
By the way President Obama forgets the fact that muslims were INVASORS that our ancestors fought for 800 years.
Lie number 2:
President Obama, the historian, forgets or does not know that Andalusia is the name of a region in Spain and in the times when we were INVADED by those "tolerant" muslims they named all Spain Al Andalus. The name of Andalusia comes from this name given to ALL Spain and Portugal so if Obama would have been more precise he would have used the term Al Andalus and not Andalusia.
Lie number 3:
Muslims in Spain were by no means tolerant. Non muslims were forced to pay the "Jizya" and and other special taxes for non muslims. You can imagine how many christians converted to Islam to be exented from these taxes!! Bells were not allowed to toll, non muslims were forbidden in certain jobs, muslims were told not to greet non muslims, muslims applied a total separation and granted not muslims the worst jobs and a third class citizens status.

Averroes translated the work of Aristotle for Sultan Jusuf I. As he died, his successor, Jakub Al-Mansur issued a decree in 1195 proclaiming that Greek philosophy was banned, burned the books of Aristotle and Averroes's work. Averroes was whipped before the Cordoba Mosque (built after demolishing a church in that very same spot) and was sent to the exile.

Tolerant Islam in Al Andalus Mr. Obama? Bullshit! Seems like some Imman who wants to build a mosque in NYC ground zero with funds from "tolerant" Persian Gulf states, wrote your speech since it lacks any credibility and it is nothing but fairy tales and a bunch of malicious lies.

Now Obama has said that the US is at war with Al Qaeda and not with Islam. Whatever Mr. President but you should know that Islam was, is, and will be, at war with what the West represents.

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