Saturday, 4 December 2010
State of Alert in Spain. Zapatero´s de facto Coup D´Etat
No planes flying in Spain. A very striking strike. Spanish government playing the smokescreen game
Monday, 29 November 2010
The story of a (possible) betrayal. Chirac, Mohamed and Zapatero together against Spain?

Sunday, 21 November 2010
Tales of a Traitor blackmailed by a Tyrant. Is President Zapatero paying King Mohamed´s silence over a coup d´etat disguised as a terrorist attack?
Did Moroccan secret services and thus omnipresent King Mohammed have something to do with the 11th of March 2004 terrorist attacks in Madrid?
If the answer is yes: Why were the Moroccan authorities interested in helping these attacks take place just 3 days before the Spanish General Elections?
If the answer to the above question is that the final outcome of those General Elections, Mr. Zapatero unexpected victory, was what Moroccan services were seeking then the third question would be if Zapatero or the Spanish Socialist Party at any level knew about the Moroccan plotting.
Did they know the proportions of this undercover coup d´etat, that is 192 killed persons?
What did Moroccan services and the king ask for in return for their "assistance"?
Let us go over what has been going on in the last 9 years.

What could have made the leader of a party that has historically supported the Saharaui people go kotowing the tyrant that has succeeded his bloody father in torturing and harassing those Saharaui men and women?

Then in March 11th 2004 several bombs killed 192 persons in Madrid and 3 days later Zapatero unexpected victory was a fact.
"Evidence" were "found" in 24 hours leading to determine it had been an Islamic act of terror. Such as a conveniently handy-dandy Q´aram cassete tape in a van, a hand bag with a type of explosive that is not the one used by ETA (funny that this bomb had no igniting device...)
The attack has never been claimed by Al Qaeda, the modus operandi was completely different to the attacks in New York and London, no suicide attack was committed. All the evidences from the train debris, unclaimed clothes and objects were destroyed or put to fire in less than a week.
No intellectual mastermind of these attacks was ever determined to be behind the whole plot or was ever found.
Years later it has been scientifically proven that the explosive blasted in those trains was not the alleged Goma 2 ECO nor Goma 2 EC...the same found in the phony evidence conveniently "found" in the hand bag the police used to determined the type of explosive...Six Police, Guardia Civil and independent specialists came to that same conclusion: The explosive found in the scarce evidence that was not destroyed was NOT the explosive determined to have been during the trial.
All evidence lead to believe that the same sewer systems of the Police loyal to the Socialist Party during the dirty war against ETA had fooled the still in office Spanish government to make it first believe that it was ETA and then "solving" the case by finding the appropriate evidences in a record time.
Basically they had 48 hours to do that so everyone would go to vote thinking that the government had lied to the people and that the attacks were the consequence of the Spanish support to the USA in the Irak war.
Over 90% of the arrested and convicted criminals were police informers, and mostly Moroccans and they made their living by dealing with drugs
During those days someone named Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba dared to say: "Spain deserves a government that will not lie".(This man is now Minister of the Interior and has an unbeatable track record of lies and humbugs. In 1995 he said that there would never be any evidence of the suppoused support given by the Socialist Government to illegal counter terrorists group GAL and months later the Minister of Interior was imprisoned for that support together with the Chief of Police.)
You can read more about the March 11th 2004 attacks in Madrid in this blog but going back to the consequences that this terrorist attack had for the Moroccan-Spanish ralations let us go over what has happened in recent years, months and days:
-Spain has quited supporting the Sahara´s Referendum. Now the Spanish position is that both parties must come to an agreement (regardless of what the agreement is like)
-Spain has abandoned its position regarding the territorial waters between Canary Islands and the coast of Morocco.
-The Artillery Command deployed in the Strait of Gibraltar has been dismantled and raplaced by a simple regiment
-Morocco is building its biggest naval base 20 kilometers away from the Spanish town of Ceuta.
-During the King´s supported "spontaneous" demonstrations in the border between Spain and Morocco in Melilla where Spanish police women were insulted and threatened and the demosntrators accused of racism to our police with no evidences the minister of Foreign Affairs did not end his holidays in France and there was no protest note from the Spanish Government.
-These days the Moroccan Army has stormed in a civilian saharaui camp, arresting, shooting and killing, looting and plundering and they have expelled all Spanish journalists covering this massacre. The Moroccan Foreign Affairs minister in a join press conference with his colleague Trinidad Jiménez has accused the Spanish media of being anti-Moroccan, biassed and even racists and our minister Mrs. Jiménez said that she respects but does not share her colleague opinion. No condemn about the murder of civilians, a Spanish citizen among these. President Zapatero has not yet said a word about this.
Monday, 11 October 2010
What can Zapatero expect after being the worst curse Spain has had to suffer in the last 35 years? A lifetime salary! Part 1

Wednesday, 6 October 2010
General Strike in Spain, the big masquerade.
Sunday, 26 September 2010
One more on reciprocity and Islam

Monday, 13 September 2010
Obama´s speeches or don´t letting the truth spoil your false fantasies
"Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance. We see it in the history of Andalusia and Cordoba during the Inquisition."
Let us analyze that sentence.
Definition of tradition by the Merriam-Webster dictionary:
"An inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action or behaviour."
July 2010, Pakistan. Let us see how that inherited and established pattern applies today:
Recently more Christians are facing charges under the controversial blasphemy laws in Pakistan. Christian families in Lahore were forced to flee for their safety as thousands of Muslim protesters demanded death for Christians in Faisalabad who are alleged to have blasphemed against Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
Muslim mobs marched July 10-11 in Faisalabad City, in the province of Punjab, demanding the death penalty for two Christians, brothers Rashid Emmanuel, 32, an Evangelical pastor, and Sajid Emmanuel, a graduate business student of Daud Nagar, Faisalabad. They were arrested on July 2 on the charges of writing a pamphlet with blasphemous remarks about Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). They were detained at the Civil Lines Police Station Faisalabad.
Does that sound like a customary pattern of tolerance? Let us see what Mohamed, founder of Islam had to say to establish the beginning of that tradition of tolerance that Islam has according to barack Mohamed Obama:
"The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter" (Qur´an 5:33)
Qur’an9:123 “Fight the unbelievers around you, and let them find harshness in you.”
"Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance. We see it in the history of Andalusia and Cordoba during the Inquisition."
Obama claims himself as a historian sometimes, then how can he read this total fiction sentence without blushing?
During the Inquisition (it would be more appropriate to say in the time of...) Cordoba was no longer under Islam´s fist. It had been reconquest by Ferdinand the Third in 1236 and all the lives of the inhabitants respected.
Averroes translated the work of Aristotle for Sultan Jusuf I. As he died, his successor, Jakub Al-Mansur issued a decree in 1195 proclaiming that Greek philosophy was banned, burned the books of Aristotle and Averroes's work. Averroes was whipped before the Cordoba Mosque (built after demolishing a church in that very same spot) and was sent to the exile.
Tolerant Islam in Al Andalus Mr. Obama? Bullshit! Seems like some Imman who wants to build a mosque in NYC ground zero with funds from "tolerant" Persian Gulf states, wrote your speech since it lacks any credibility and it is nothing but fairy tales and a bunch of malicious lies.
Now Obama has said that the US is at war with Al Qaeda and not with Islam. Whatever Mr. President but you should know that Islam was, is, and will be, at war with what the West represents.
TweetFriday, 10 September 2010
Ground Zero Mosque. Only muslims have got rights. Non muslims cannot complaint
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf the man promoting the building of the Ground Zero Mosque talks about serving the community, about love and understanding between faiths and about not politicizing religion and on the other hand he says that if the mosque is finally not built in the sorroundings of Ground Zero the muslim world will take this as an offence to Islam and the muslim world will understand that Islam is under attack.
Jolly good Mr. Rauf !! All your bollocks about that peace and understanding that you pretend us to believe that Islam fosters vanish the very moment you say that if you don´t get what you want then the muslim world will be very upset and see it as an offence and as an attack on Islam. Then you go on with that bullshit of yours saying that the mosque must be built on the grounds of national security being preserved. Yes we understand what you mean, if you don´t get what you want maybe the "bad guys" will do evil things, and of course no one wants these bad boys doing such things, don´t we Mr. Rauf?
Thank you Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf for acting like some kind of mafia godfather henchman that kindly warns us of what could happen if we do not do as we are being told!!
What will be next thing the West will have to do so as not to offend the peace and loving followers of Mohamed? why not a mosque in St. Peter´s Cathedral or why not teaching the Koran in all western schools?
Don´t we remember Palestinian children rejoicing at the terrorist attack on 9-11 and their parents cellebrating in the streets, I bet some of them were muslims...
Let´s imagine a bishop on Aljazeera television complaining about not being allowed to build a church in Mecca, shall we? Well only imagine it because it will never happen. The same people Mr. Rauf goes to visit in the Persian Gulf States that tell him how disappointed all muslims will be if a mosque is not built near the place where 4000 people died because some muslims in the name of Allah crashed two airplanes, they will by no means allow any church being built in Saudi Arabia and no bibles or new testaments being in their bookshops.
These people who argue and complaint about how bad Islam and muslims are treated do not EVER demonstrate to protest for the killing of priests in Turkey or the burning of bibles and churches accross the muslim Umma.
These people who ask for equal rights in the West for their religion followers do not allow other religions to proselytize in their countries. Morocco has recently expelled American Christians that were taking care of orphans. Morocco law as well as all other muslim countries legislation forbid to proselytize their nationals.
These Saudi king and princes build huge mosques all accross the Western countries and demand respect for their faith and in their country they beat Philippins servants that are caught praying or have a rosary or a bible. They do not allow to build churches or to worship and they claim for their rights abroad?
I think that Islam and muslims treat us as what they think we are (and I am afraid they are close to be right): idiots.
Muslims in all Western Europe are plundering the welfare state using the public free services such as medical care, education, integration income support, etc in a much larger scale than the rest of the population. They demand everything and collapse our services on and on and they complaint on everything here in Spain. Back in their country they kick anyone that they may think is preaching the Word of God (the Christian God, the merciful) to their citizens.
Do they claim for equal rights? It is a deal!! But they abuse the freedom we enjoy in the West to take advantage of our idiocy while they ban, forbid and prosecute christians, buddists or anyone that is not muslim.
In many muslim countries there are even specific taxes only for non muslims, in Egypt they burn Copt churches and in Indonesia they kill christians and I do not see those so called moderate muslims demonstrating against these muslim crimes.
Moderate muslims are just like UFOs, many people claim to have seen one or two but there are no actual evidences of their existence.
Now let us go back to that fictitious priest demanding in Aljazeera the building of a church in Mecca. Imagine this bishop that has come from a tour to different christian countries telling the interviewer "If this church cannot be built in Mecca the national security of muslim countries will be at risk". Odd isn´t it? What would the reaction from muslims be? Now imagine that that church is going to be built in the same spot where some fictitious christian fundamentalists blasted some bombs. Would muslim countries like the idea? Would they allow this church to be built for the sake of the freedom of cult that they of course don´t have?
If anyone can come up with an answer to those questions please leave a reply.
American flags are burnt in several muslim countries on a regular basis, it is almost a national sport in Iran and now there is a pastor in Florida who tells he will burn one or two Korans and that is a horrid sin and a matter of national security. I don´t like to burn books and I think the Koran is a good book for those who enjoy terror novels but it seems that here the only ones who have sensibility are muslims. I find ablation a much worse thing, I find stoning a much worse thing, I find burning churches and killing christians a much worse thing and yet in muslim countries those practices are usual.
In other words. Imagine dear reader that you like wine and I like beer and in my house wine is forbidden. I go to your house and I protest because you dont want to give me a fourth beer and another day you come over to my place and you ask me for some wine and I go nuts and tell you that that is an insult and that of course I will not give you wine and that you must respect my traditions.
It is as simple as that. Some reciprocity and some respect from the Islamic world is not only a need, it should be a MUST.
Some people here in Spain talk about something they call the Civilizacions Alliance, what I claim is an allience of civilized people to stop these abuses and lack of respect that us western people suffer in silence from the muslim world.
Mr. Rauf wants to name his mosque "The house of Cordoba" we shall have time to dedicate a post about why did he chose that name and what does Barack Obama have to do with that name as well.
TweetThursday, 9 September 2010
Al Qaeda praises and congratulates Zapatero. ETA wants his share too
- Terrorist will not use that money to buy food or medicines for starved children, they will not buy toys or candy. They will buy guns and ammunition to go with their killing and plundering business
- Terrorist will take good note that a Spanish citizen is worth some 3 to 4 million euros whereas a French can cost the lives of the terrorists. Great news for Spaniards travelling the world: we are the most sought after by any "smart" terrorist
- the Algerian government is really upset with this Spanish attitude because they suffer the impact that this money have in their country. We have funded terrorists, terrorist do kill, therefore we have funded murder. Algeria is really very upset with the Spanish government for this matter and also for the fact that Morocco is Algeria´s first enemy (they have a territorial dispute of more than 150,000 sq kilometers in the north-central border and the Western Saharan pro independence and anti-Maroccan forces´headquarters and the logistical support are in Algeria). Algeria is Spain´s most important natural gas supplier until now. As anyone can imagine the Algerian government is not in a romance with spain nowadays.
As icing on the cake we gave away a sea surveillance airplane for free to Mauritanian authorities to thank them for the liberation of a terrorist (these terrorist do not just wanted money...)
Our chancellor Moratinos seems to be under some spell and behaves as he was to defend all dictators in the world instead of Spain´s interests. Who pays for your salary Miguel Ángel? Why don´t you have the guts to catch a plane and fly to Algiers to explain your boss´conduct?
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
CNI Spanish secret service. A kings business? Part 5
"...One of the earliest forms known was oil, oil commissions coming from the oil imports Spain needed to meet its energy needs. As soon as Juan Carlos I occupied the throne after the death of the dictator, Manuel Prado y Colón de Carvajal, was devoted to send several royal letters to many reigning monarchs, especially the Arab world, asking for money on behalf of the King of Spain".
There is documentary evidence of a letter signed by Juan Carlos I and addressed to the Shah of Persia, on July 4, 1977, where the monarch following a description of the political situation said: "I take the liberty, with all respect, to subject to your generous consideration the possibility of granting 10 million dollars as your personal contribution to strengthening the Spanish monarchy. "
Manuel Prado y Colón de Carvajal who recently died in 2009 was a close friend of king Juan Carlos, he was appointed as senator in 1977 (the King used to have a quota of senators he could freely appoint), was also President of Iberia Airlines when this company was public and the list goes on and on (Saudi Arabia Abdul Aziz Order, France´s Legion of Honor...).
With respect to the book we have quoted above Mr Prado y Colón de Carvajal said about journalist Jesús Cacho:
"We must get rid of what you represent"
Such a gentleman!
Prado y Colón de Carvajal was imprisoned on April 26, 2004 in the Seville prison serving a sentence of two years for the "Wardbase" case. For humanitarian reasons he was awarded the second grade prison two months later.
As head of "Grand Tibidabo", he was convicted in 2008 for misappropriation: three months' imprisonment by the High Court.
The Supreme Court had already sentenced him to one year in prison for misappropriation in September 2007 by a diversion of money from Grupo Torras.
The royal scandals finally reached France, where during the preliminary investigation about Elf (2003) for misappropriation, its former chairman Le Floch-Prigent said about buying ERTOIL:
"...having delivered 55 million francs in Spain to many politicians, in particularly those close to Felipe Gonzalez and King Juan Carlos environment ", with who Le Floch-Prigent claimed to have met in multiple occasions.
According to Jose Garcia Abad, author of the book "la Soledad del Rey"(The Solitude of the King):
"Felipe Gonzalez turned a blind eye to the royal businesses and trips and even got to make some important negotiation for the benefit of the royal family: he sent his righ-hand man, Julio Feo , to negotiate with the Greek government about the return of the assets of the family of Mrs. Sophia, which had been confiscated when King Constantine was deposed"
The list is endless and all the royal family has been benefited with important positions and lucrative businesses: daughters, son, sons in law, daughter in law.
Then we could list the list of lets call them venial sins like promoting brands in the annual yacht race named after him, subliminal advertising and so on.
How much money does the king have?
The cost item of the General State Budget for the expenses of the royal family by law is not subject to review by the Court of Auditors. The 1978 Constitution allows the monarch to dispose of it without further explanation. In 1980 the government assigned 200 million pesetas (1,2 million euros of that time would be like 6 to 8 million currently). Until then, the king just collected a salary of captain general. Currently the General State Budget assigns some 7.78 million euros for the king and his family.
Due to the opacity of the royal house, the fortune of the king is difficult to quantify. Forbes Magazine (April 2003) includes Juan Carlos I in the sixth place among Europe´s monarchs and with a fortune of 1,790 million euros the king is the 134th among the richest in the world.
The advent of the socialist party was a blessing for the King´s financials and his pro-PSOE attitude has paid well off. But being King and serving so much is a non stop job and the king must look after his family and his wealth and to do so he needs to keep all mouths shut and it is of key importance to keep the secret services under the control of trustworthy people that will not leak information whatsoever.
In this context when Aznar´s PP won the general elections in 1996 it was of utmost importance for both the King and the PSOE to keep the secret service under the "right" control, thus both the minister of defense and the director of the CNI were imposed to the new President José María Aznar.
By doing so the PSOE could be sure that all the information regarding the corruption and the crimes of state would be under lock and the King could nothing but agree. The saying goes: "you scratch my back and I scratch yours" and it seems to have worked out fine for this singular alliance.
Now you can believe in Santa Claus and the eastern bunny or in the Reyes Magos (the three wise men that bring presents in the night of january 5th to children in the Spanish speaking world) if that makes you happy, same as you can go on thinking as most people do that the King of Spain is a goody fellow, kindhearted and always friendly. Maybe he is like that sometimes, we are all humans, specially with his family but he is also a powerful individual with a huge interest in keeping his way of life.
End of the series.
TweetMonday, 6 September 2010
CNI Spanish secret service. A kings business? Part 4
He adds that with Suarez and ministers resigned the monarch had bridged the President and had demanded the defense minister to sign the appointment. The appointment prompted an angry response from Suárez and he called the minister and told him "you have just signed the authorization that will allow a coupe in Spain and when you see Armada leading the whole thing you will know it was all your fault"
CNI Spanish Secret Service. A King business? Part 3
It is something really striking how many people do still see this party as a champion of freedom and democracy bearing in mind its totally rotten history. PSOE´s founder Mr. Pablo Iglesias who has several streets accross Spain named after him said in the parliament in 1910:
"We must, in view of the the tendency caused by Your Lordship to the present political system, commit to overthrow this regime. Such has been the outrage over Mr. Maura Government's policy in the proletarian elements that we've come as far as to consider that before Your Lordship rises to power again we must go to the personal attack"(p. 439-443 Parliament Daily Record 07/07/1910).
The coup included the kidnapping of the President of the Republic and establishment of a Government of People's Commissars. By that time, Luis Companys declared the Catalan State within the Spanish Federal Republic.
"Whatever the fate the future preserves to the parliamentary institution, it (parliaments) has not among us, even among Republicans, enthusiastic advocates" Sounds so democratic!!