Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Islam and reciprocity two words that don´t combine. Gadhafi preaches while Mohamed VI´s police beats 14 Spaniards

Lybia´s dictator Moammar Gadhafi "met" with 500 women this Sunday and yet another 200 females yesterday (monday 30th 2010) in Italy.

Shortly after his landing in Italy Mr Gadhafi addressed a speech to 500 mostly Italian women between the ages of 20 and 35 to convicen them of the advantages of being muslim and to try to lure them into converting to Islam. On the next day he did the same to an audience of another 200 females.

According to some of the attendees many of these women were "hired" by a model agency that paid them some 80 euros to listen to what Mr Gadhafi had to say. Three of these women announced that they have converted to Islam after listening to what this man told them. It seems that these 3 women have been paid 4500 euros plus a trip to Lybia to reward their "true" conversion to "peaceful and loving" Islam.
We have written here about that fact that Islam does not tolerate conversion of its followers into any other religion and that the penalty for this action is no other than death. We have also written about the fact that so called moderate muslim countries such as Morocco do not allow proselytism to other religions in their country and the cold facts are that they have expelled American citizens, among other countries citizens, on the grounds of taking care of orphan abandoned children and them being Christians http://thespanishview.blogspot.com/2010/08/mosque-in-nyc-ground-zero-yes-but-right.html

Of course Lybian corrupt and tyrant government would never allow a Christian priest or pastor to address a speech to Lybian women telling them that Christianity must rule all Northern Africa, but us, tolerant and naive Europeans allow this fellow to come here and say that Islam must reign over the whole of Europe because it is the best and only true religion.

This man flies with dozens of pure breed horses and his king size bedouine camp composed by several large tents. In this occasion Mr Gadhafi has camped in the Lybian embassy "back yard".

While this man was telling western women that they must convert (first picture above) some thousand miles south west 14 Spanish citizens were being savagely beaten by "spontaneous" Moroccans that happened to be waiting for them with their Moroccan flags and their fists and shoes ready for the action.
14 Spanish citizens and members of SaharAccion, a group that claims the independence of the Saharaui people demonstrated in El Aaiun (Western Sahara capital) supporting the Saharaui people cause. Shortly after they arrived to the meeting spot and began to deploy their banners they were beaten and kicked before the eyes of uniformed police agents. Of course these people were not merely spontaneous and angry Moroccans but police agents in civilian clothes together with some other people that knew when and where the Spaniards were going to demonstrate.
The demonstrators were finally arrested by Moroccan Police and beaten in their way to the Police Station. We can see the results of this "welcome" reception in the above picture.
What has the Spanish Government reaction been? An official note of protest? Hahahaha!! No way!!
The reaction from Zapatero and his gang of cowards and useless ministers has been to say that we shall wait for the explanation that the Moroccan authorities give about this "event" and to stress the friendship and the excellent relations that link Spain and Morocco!!! Adding that Spanish citizens must comply with the laws and rules of the country they are at.
To begin with Western Sahara is NOT Morocco Mr. President Zapatero, and secondly the laws of Morocco do not state that the penalty for illegal foreign demonstrator is being lynched in the public square. Do you, Mr. Zapatero, believe it is a proportional punishment? Have these Spaniards attacked any Moroccan?
Do not be a coward again Mr Zapatero, although it seems to be in your nature to bend before anyone who shows determination and will, and give a proper response and protest for the lack of proportion and the violence used by these "spontaneous" bunch of bastards!
Our police women have been spitten on, denigrated, threaten, and insulted in the Melilla border a week ago Mr. "I shall always defend women", we all have paid a ransom of around 8 million euros to liberate the Spaniards held captive by terrorist and doing that means to encourage
terrorist to kidnap Spaniards thus YOU Mr. Zapatero have put us all at risk and on the top of the list of the most profitable hostages in the world, we now have to hear again that shitty kind of statement that comes out of your mouth when your countrymen and countrywomen are savagely beaten.
But maybe is not that you have that innate cowardice when facing a tyrant, maybe is that you know that King Mohamed has the information needed to erase you from the political map for centuries.
Is it normal that a country, Morocco, whose citizens participated in a large degree in that Madrid 2004 terrorist attack treat us like we were San Marino and not a country that can beat them in a war conflict? Does that make any sense Mr President?
By the way Morocco accused our police of being racist and of beating some of them...we are waiting for the pictures. What would have happened if 14 Moroccans demosntrating in Seville were beaten? Would the Moroccan Government have reacted the way we have? Easy answer: NO!
Most of the suppousedly participants in the Madrid 2004 terrorist attack were Moroccans and yet Morocco does not show any consideration whatsoever towards Spain.
Maybe that meeting Zapatero had with King Mohamed before being elected and inmediantely after the successful liberation of the Perejil Island by Spanish elite troops led by the Popular Party Administration was the beginning of this Zapatero´s postration before Mohamed VI.
What it is 100% proved is that for Islamic kidnappers, muslim pirates off the somalian coast, and tyrant muslim rulers the election of Zapatero three days after Europe´s worst terrorist attack was good news.
I know that any clever reader of this article needs to know no more to come up with their own conclusions about why is Zapatero so scared and what can the Moroccan King know about the worst terrorsit attack in Europe (Madrid 2004) that makes Zapatero act as if he was Mohamed´s subject.

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Afghan War is a Humanitarian Mission and other Zapatero´s lies

Yesterday 2 Spanish "Guardia Civiles" (a police force with military status) and an Afghan translator were murdered by the driver they had been assigned inside the Spanish militar base at Qala-i-Now (Afghanistan).
The criminal was an Afghan police agent that was serving as official driver within the Spanish base. He was shot by a Guardia Civil patrol inside the base right after he shot these three persons.
Shortly after these things happened hundreds of those Afghans that the Spanish troops are suppoused to aid in this "humanitarian" mission, sieged the base throwing stones and trying to set the premises on fire in an extremely violent turmoil demanding the corpse of the criminal.
Finally Afghan soldiers took control of the situation and the protestors dispersed.
These things have happened 24 hours after other muslim terrorists liberated the two Spaniards they held captive somewhere in the Sahel (Sahara) after the Spanish government paid (we all paid to be more precise) some 5 to 8 million euros.
After this attack a total of 95 Spaniards have been killed in this so called "humanitarian" mission...That is 47 times more than those killed in the Irak war during Jose María Aznar´s Administration were 2 agents from the CNI (secret service) were killed.
Spanish troops were deployed in Irak after the main combats were over and in a reconstruction mission that according to PSOE (Spain´s Socialist Party) was nothing but a war mission and an illegal mission as well. None of the military were killed in this "illegal" war, 95 have been killed or died in the Afghan "candy delivery friendly mission".
In the above pictures we can see how friendly and peaceful these Qala-i-Now citizens are and how they appreciate the reconstruction work performed by our troops.
In less than a week we have bent over before King-dictator Mohamed VI of Morocco (who as we have said here, knows too much about certain facts that could ruin Zapatero´s career maybe regarding the big lie PSOE has told the public opinion with respect to March 11th 2004 terrorist attack) after he sent us demonstrators to spit on and harash our police women in the border booths in Melilla, we have paid some 5-8 million euros to terrorist that have praised us for our generosity as compared to France using the force to try to rescue a French citizen (who was later killed), and we have felt the "love" of Afghan people in return for our generosity.
War, President, the word is W A R. We are in the middle of a world war. Against terrorism? Not only against terrorism Mr. Zapatero, although for the general public that is what has to be said.
We are in a war against something you call a Civilization (Islam) and that you are willing to appease offering Islam our rear ends to quench their thirst for invasion, and calling that "Civilization Alliance".
What civilizationand what Allience can you offer people who see you and anyone that is not muslim as infidels? What kind of agreement can you sign with people who in the bottom of their hearts dream of reconstructing another Al-Andalus in Spain?
What can you offer them to prevent them from thinking that Spain is their promise land and us infidels are someones to deal with on a tactical base while they proceed with their strategical plans?
Everyone in the West claims that we all must help "moderate" muslims to prevent that their countries are taken over by wild intergrism fanatics. Does anyone sleep better after repeating this false mantra on and on?
What on Earth is "moderate" Islam? Is Egipt a moderate muslim country? If so why do they chase Copt Christians and every now and then burn their churches and of course dont let them rebuild them? If they are "moderate" why do they forbid the proselytism of other religions? Why do they inprision homosexuals on the grounds of being homosexuals? Why do they forbid a Christian man from marrying a muslim woman?
Is Morocco a "moderate" muslim country? The punishments they apply to Wetern Sahara resistance are not that moderate, they forbid proselytism of other religions, they have a feudal system, etc.
We are in a war against Islam even though that may sound too big for the Western public opinion who tend to make things relative and who interpret other cultures with our western approach to things. It is hard to swallow indeed but it is a fact.
Only two countries that were under Islam rule in the Middle Ages were able to expel them: Spain and Russia, in the rest they stayed and for any muslim (moderate, less moderate, so so moderate and fanatics) the concept of Umma (a Muslim world) is as valid as it was in Mecca at the end of the seventh century.
Humanitarian mission Zapatero? We shall talk about those soldiers who the Spanish government said that died in afghanistan after the Cougar helicopter crashed due to some "wind factor" and why some of their relatives claim that their sons, husbands, parents did not crash because of some winds but were shot from the ground while they flew low.
With respect to these 2 Guardia Civiles and their translator: Rest in PEACE heros!
"Guardia Civil: El honor es mi divisa"

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Is paying a ramson the best choice? Zapatero once again makes us all pay.

These are the facts:
  • Yesterday night 2 Spanish citizens, Roque Pascual and Albert Vilalta, that were kept hostages, suppousedly by Al Qaeda (its Magrheb branch) returned in an special flight to Spain.
  • When they were kidnapped they were participating in a humanitarian trail in one of the most unsecure areas of Northwest Africa. They were deprived of their freedom for as long as 9 months.
  • Previous to their liberation a female colleague, Alicia Gámez, was liberated on the grounds that she had converted to Islam.
  • During Zapatero´s press conference yesterday no questions were allowed. He simply congratulated himself for the liberation of the two Spaniards. His minister of the Interior when asked about the information pointing to the payment of a 5 to 10 million euros ramson simply quoted that "it was no time to address that subject"

It is very interesting to find out that while Zapatero disappeared during the Melilla crisis and so did his Foreign Affairs minister, in this case he was before the flashes in less than 24 hours.

Yet another interesting "coincidence" is that these two Spaniards gained back their freedom inmediately after minister Rubalcaba (Interior) had an out of the agenda meeting with King Mohamed VI of Morocco. Mr Rubalcaba was in Morocco to solve a crisis that the Foreign Affairs ministry had denied its mere existence 24 hours before. Instead of sending the Foreign Affairs top authority as it corresponds when there is a crisis between two countries Mr Zapatero sent his expert in negotiating within the dirtiest sewer systems of politics and secret services.

We have stated here that we do suspect that Zapatero is scared to death of what Mohamed VI may have to say with respect to the terrorist attack in Madrid, March 11th 2004, and Mr. Moratinos (Foreign Affairs) is not as hard a negotiator as Mr Rubalcaba who knows at least as much as Zapatero does.

Regardless of the connections between Mohamed VI and Rubalcaba surprise meeting yesterday and the liberation of the 2 hostages some hours later the fact is that most high net worth politicians, news executives and most Spanish public opinion suspect that a ramson has been paid.

And not a cheap tip to these criminals, but some amount around 5 to 10 million euros. Le us be straight forward on this: Criminals will use that ransom to commit crimes and among pirates, desert abductors of all kinds and international criminals kidnapping Spanish citizens means big money.

It is more than very likely that we have paid more than once to Somalian pirates to liberate 2 Spanish fishing ships, whereas France shot them shells from navy vessels and arrested the criminals.

But for Zapatero, and his gang of useless bloodsuckers paying criminals is more "humanitarian". According to a press release from the abductors these two Spaniards were liberated due to Spanish humanitarian approach (in comparison to France attacking them and them murdering a French citizen).

In the international "market" of terrorism attacking Spain or its citizens does pay off well. And in the mid and long term we shall pay the consequences and no one will remember that those troubles originated in a weak and scared coward´s mind.

A President like Mr Zapatero who became President in 2004 three days right after the worst (and oddest in terms of who, how) terrorist attack, and that did nothing to help the justice and police clarify what really happened, can be a muppet that any secret service can manipulate.

Zapatero is a danger not only for Spain, but for the Western world as a whole. Do not forget we are the borderline between the Western Civilization and Islam.

Meanwhile we can´t afford to pay ramsons for people who put their lifes at risk by wondering around the desert´s most unsecure areas. The Spanish government does not pay millions in ramsons to "domestic" kidnappers, why should we all pay terrorist who kidnap people who know the risks they are running?

Monday, 23 August 2010

Almunia wants more taxes in Europe. How much do we pay you to say that?

In the 1970s Spain was a country with a very small tax pressure with a really low international debt and public expenditure. We had a very affordable public administration: a Central Administration plus the municipalities. In 1975 the public sector accounted for some 24% of the GDP and we had no deficit; now we are in some 50% of the total Domestic Product being spent by the public sector (if not more) and a deficit rocketing up fast.

But of course, our fixation with being like, becoming same as, and imitating other European countries led us to this situation.
We have a mayor in Madrid, Alberto Ruíz Gallardón, with around 1000 advisors!! He is known as the pharaoh, always up to spend our money in some really expensive infrastructure.
We have 17 Autonomous Communities (regions) with their correspondent parliaments, ministries, and in some cases a parallel police. The regional expenditure has grown sharp since the 1980´s and doesn´t seem to slow its frantic path towards bankruptcy except for some regional administrations such as Madrid. On top of these parvenu crazy vagaries we have to stand the rounds for some Orwellian ministries such as the Ministry of Equality.
In this context EU Commissioner Joaquín Almunia (he was the Socialist Party candidate to the Presidency in Spain in 2000 and was completely defeated by José María Aznar) has declared during an interview "Of course taxes must be raised in those countries where deficit is high"
No words about cutting expenses in some oversized administrations, no word about fostering investment by reducing fiscal pressure on small and medium sized companies. The word is always more: more deficit, then more taxes. More nationalistic demands from separatist parties in Spain, more money to appease their "nationalist" concerns.
Meanwhile there are people in Spain, like Mr. José Blanco (minister of infrastructures) who says that to sustain the welfare society we must...Yes, pay more taxes.
But we are so "lucky" to pay for these smart guys in Brussels and all their assistants, chauffeurs, and red tape maniacs orbiting around them. That "handy" Strasbourg Parliament with "only" 736 members that barely can subsist with their average yearly salary of some 85.000 euros.
Let´s have a look at this chart:

We can see (sorry about the blury picture) that the income tax as per GDP per capita that Spain has is 37,2% for an average income of 31.774 USD, a higher tax rate than Luxembourg (with an average income of 105.000USD), Ireland (51.000USD), the US (46.400), Germany, Japan, Canada and the UK (all OCDE members and all with higher income per capita than Spain). So all those richer countries, in terms of GDP per capita, have lower income tax levels, do not please compare us to them Mr. Almunia.
Anoter fact: We have a similar Income tax percentage (as per GDP per capita) than The Netherlands and Dutch citizens have 50% more income per capita(47.000 vs 31.000). ¿Are you there Mr. Almunia? We would be more than happy to pay 40 or 45% if our income was similar to that of Dutch citizens.
And even the silliest among human kind would prefer to pay 60% in taxes if given an income of 100.000 than to pay 25% given an income of 30.000USD.
But everytime a socialist government runs this country we end up owing more and paying more, and of course expending a lot more...But no one wants to talk about cuts.
There is a joke going around that says:
"Crisis is when your neighbour loses his job, recession is when you lose your job and recovery is when Zapatero loses his job" And some of us can´t honestly wait any longer!! Please, please Almunia, save us no more!
And finally one last thought and question:
Why do our governments always compare us to those countries with higher percentage of taxes?
Why do not compare us to those countries with higher GDP per inhabitant and lower income tax percentage? If the rest of the European countries would do the same (and I know some do) then this would become a race to increase fiscal confiscation in order not to be the one at the back of the list.

Friday, 20 August 2010

Spain´s Foreign Affair Minister: "There has not been any crisis or conflict"

Right after his return from summer holidays, Spain´s Foreign Affairs ministry (in the picture) stated that there had not been any conflict between Morocco and Spain these days despite of the merchandise blockade carried out by suppousedly "spontaneous" Moroccan demonstrators.
Five really strong official notes from the Moroccan authorities backing what "their" demonstrators were protesting about (they protested about racist behaviours by Spanish Police), all the female police agents have been insulted and some beaten and spitted on.
These demonstrators acted with the full consent of King Mohamed VI and once his majesty decided that the pressure was enough they vanished as fast as they popped up from who knows where.
Instead of protesting before the Maroccan authorities the Spanish government decided to withdraw all female agents from the border control booths. Instead of forcing the demonstrators and their royal mentors to prove that their accusations were fundamented in a court they simply pulled all female police for the sake of that sick and rotten Zapatero´s idea of a Civilization Allience.
Several hundreds of Moroccan women earn their family´s living by carrying big bags on their heads with merchandise that they sell in Melilla (Spain) after crossing the border. These women were forbidden to do so by their fellow countrymen.
The problem is, as police organizations like SUP (sindicato unificado de policía) have said, that for a vast majority of male Moroccans it is something shameful and very non-muslim that a woman asks you to open your car´s trunk or tells you to hand her your identification.
So to have these muslim male chauvinist happy our "brave" government lead by Zapatero decides that the best thing to do is to make the problem (women) disappear.
Perhaps, Mohamed VI knows something about the terrorist attack in Madrid on March 11th 2004 that resulted in Zapatero´s unexpected victory three days later. Perhaps that something Moroccan king knows can be too hard for Zapatero to allow the public opinion to know it.
If we want Morocco king happy we should then give up our sovereignity over half our country and maybe provide the King with some hundreds of virgins every year to appease his wrath.
No incident Moratinos? No conflict? No crisis? What do you need to react like a human being? Maybe the only thing this pro-muslim, pro-dictator Moratinos and his boss would consider a crisis would be Morocco declaring war on us!! But just maybe. Anyway Zapatero has few time left, thank God, after his ridiculous speech in Sitges. Remember it President?
What will happen after we retire you, Mr Zapatero, in the polls? Will someone leak that information that Rubalcaba tries so hard to prevent from being made public?
We shall see.

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Spain´s President Zapatero on his knees before Morocco imperial dreams

In this picture taken in 2003 we can see on the right King Mohamed of Morocco and on the left (where else?) José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero when he was leader of the opposition.
In between these two "freedom fighters" we can see a map of what Morocco considers its territories. Theses territories include Morocco, Western Sahara, half Mauritania, and the Canary Islands (Spanish Islands even before Morocco did exist)

This picture was taken a few months after Spanish troops liberated the isle of "Perejil" in a commando strike performed with no blood shedding. This military action carried during the Popular Party administration took place several weeks after Moroccan troops invaded this Spanish sovereignity small island.

A year later a terrorist attack in Madrid (March 11th 2004) three days before the general elections caused a convulsion in the Spanish society and an unexpected victory of Zapatero´s Socialist Party.
Regardless of all the efforts from Zapatero and his gang to bury this issue that terrorist attack remains unsolved, the explosive remains undetermined, and all the wreckage from the trains and unclaimed personal belongings vanished in less than a week after the explosions (see some of my other posts in this blog).
You don´t need to have Einstein´s IQ to figure out that Zapatero was and is tyrant King Mohamed´s favorite candidate to run Spain and the main reasons for this support is clear. Zapatero means weaker Spain.
A candidate to the Presidency of a nation that allows himself to be part of a picture like this don´t deserve to be president, but he owes a lot to King Mohamed. What is it? Why does he remain silent while demonstrators insult Spanish policewomen in the border? Why does he remain silent when Spanish citizens are expelled from Morocco on the grounds of proselytizing?? Why Zapatero? What if one day the Spanish people find out what you owe to Mohamed and what is that that he knows that can destroy Zapatero reputation for centuries...Find out, it´s basic common sense but it is scary too!

More about Islam and reciprocity

I live in Spain and I am christian. Now imagine that for some reason after talking to some Mullah here in my country I decide to convert to Islam.

Now imagine the Spanish Interior Ministry dictating the inmediate expelling of that mullah for proselytizing in Spain, no trial and no arrest just putting him on board a ship on his way to Morocco.

Yo can bet that the Moroccan authorities would be complaining and calling all Spaniards racist and intolerant.

Moroccan authorities expel christian missionaries (from the US, Spain, New Zealand, Holland, etc.) and any christian they suspect is proselytizing. No reaction from our Spanish government.

Imagine the US government forbidding the building of any mosque in America. What would the Saudis have to say?

Proselytism is forbidden in Morocco. Churches can´t exist in Saudi Arabia. Morocco actively support proselytism in Spain, Saudio Arabia funds the building of Mosques in the US.

Muslims men can marry non muslim women, muslims can build mosques in non muslim countries, muslims can proselytize in non muslim countries.

In reciprocity:

Non muslim men can´t marry muslim women (unless they convert), non muslims can´t build churches (sinagogues or any non muslim temple) in muslim countries, non muslims can´t proselytize in muslim countries.

Do I need to say more?

A mosque in NYC ground zero? Yes, but right after a cathedral is built in Mecca

Building or not a mosque in NYC ground zero it is an issue in the USA, but building a church near Kaaba in Mecca (Saudi Arabia) is far from being an issue, it is simply fiction!
Imagine a country that wants to sell its good and services in the USA and in return they ban the imports of American products. Good business? Yes indeed, but not for the US!
Now imagine that country arguing that the US is a free market and that everyone has the right to sell anything there under American laws. Sounds a bit hypocritical, doesnt it?
All muslims in Europe and in the Americas want to benefit from the freedom of cult and do take advantage of the fact that proselytism is allowed and defended in the Western world. Despite my opinion about Islam after having read the Koran a couple of times and after discussing with some muslim acquaintances about the fact that, among other things, according to the Koran saying that Jesus is God must be consider blasphemous and puts me in the black list together with the worst infidels and idolaters, building a mosque in NYC should be something relatively normal.
I said "should be realatively normal" in a world were the reciproty principle applies. But according to Islam reciprocity is a word that it only applies to the punishment that must be applied to those leaving Islam (death) or to women that missbehave or to infidels that preach other religions.
In the vast majority of muslim countries proselytism of any religion other than Islam is forbidden and actively prosecuted. Let us bring some examples of what goes on aout there:

From the web http://www.boiseweekly.com/
Solana Pyne, GlobalPost

RABAT, Morocco — For 10 years, foreign Christians ran an orphanage called Village of Hope on the slopes of Morocco’s Middle Atlas Mountains, taking in abandoned Moroccan children and raising them in their homes.

But it took just a few hours Monday evening for Moroccan authorities to dissolve those foster families. Police gathered the 16 foreign volunteers and their biological children in a conference room and told them they had to leave the country immediately. Across the parking lot, 33 Moroccan children learned they would stay behind.

“It will be burned in my memory forever,” said Chris Broadbent, a New Zealander who worked as an administrator at the orphanage. “These kids just screamed across the car park to their parents to ask them if it was true. It was just chaos and so distressing, so terrible. I’ve never seen or experienced anything like it.”

Broadbent said Moroccan authorities took over the Village of Hope facility on Monday, but it is not yet clear whether the children will stay there or be sent somewhere else.

Morocco’s Interior Ministry claims the group “exploited some families' poverty and targeted their minor children,” violating rules on guardianship and breaking Morocco’s laws against proselytizing to Muslims.

Foreign Christian leaders in Morocco say the deportations are part of a country-wide campaign that signals a tough new stance against foreign evangelists who had been tolerated here for years.

Broadbent said the staff never tried to convert anyone, and maintained the orphanage had followed the same policies since it opened a decade ago: The children learned the Quran in school, but were raised by Christian parents.

“We were we looking after them, because nobody else would,” Broadbent said. “For 10 years they have openly, knowingly allowed us to do that and they never said we were breaking the law.”

They are not the only foreign evangelists to suddenly find themselves on the wrong side of the Moroccan government. A western diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity, said authorities placed several dozen or more on a list for deportation.

In addition to orphanage volunteers approximately 10 other foreign Christians accused of proselytizing were deported over the weekend from cities across the country, pastors and Christian aid groups said.

Those expelled come from the Netherlands, Britain, the Congo, New Zealand, South Africa, Brazil and the United States.

“We were disheartened and distressed to learn of the recent expulsion by the Moroccan Government of a number of foreigners, including numerous Americans, who had been legally residing in Morocco,” U.S. Ambassador Samuel Kaplan said in a statement. “While we expect all American citizens in Morocco to respect Moroccan law, we hope to see meaningful improvements in the application of due process in such cases.”

U.S. embassy officials declined to confirm who or how many people would be expelled but said the number is likely to rise. Pastors who have lived in Morocco for years say the sheer quantity of deportations is unprecedented in recent years.

“It’s like going to sleep and waking up and all of the sudden you’re in a different country,” said Jack Wald, who has spent 10 years as pastor of Rabat International Church, a protestant congregation in the capital. “This is a change in policy from the top of the government.”

“In my nine years in Morocco, never,” said Pastor Jean-Luc Blanc, authorized by the government to preach to foreigners at the Evangelical Church of Morocco. “Each year there are one or two expulsions like this, but never so many at one time.”

But Moroccan Communication Minister Khalid Naciri maintains that the expulsions are neither new, nor limited to Christian missionaries.

“The Moroccan government today deals harshly with whoever allows themselves to manipulate the religion of the people,” Naciri said. He cited government crackdowns on radical Islamist groups and expulsions of Shi’a Muslims proselytizing in this largely Sunni country.

Still, many in the expatriate Christian community here are wondering who’s next. Police have interviewed children at another older orphanage, also run by Christian evangelists, a few miles from The Village of Hope.

“They asked 'Do you know the Quran?' and they quoted the Quran to them,” said Jim Pitts, a native Virginian, has worked at the orphanage for 51 years.

Pitts says his staff members have come only to do charitable work and have never tried to convert anyone. But he’s still unsure what the authorities will do.

“I don’t know what’s going to happen with us,” he said. “We’ll see.”
This happens in Morocco a country that pretends to have an image of tolerance and appear as a moderate muslim country...I am a bit sick of those people that still believe, need or want to believe I gess, that there are such things as moderate and radical Islam.
There are muslims who follow Islam and there are others who don´ follow it, period.
Proselytizing is banned in all muslim countries, but proselytizing is a must for muslims according to Koran so as they understand it since Islam is the right choice preaching other religions must be forbidden. So in the minds of Mohamed followers it makes sense to "protect" muslims from the infidels and their "evil" teaching while they carry on spreading their "good news".
Interesting how a Moroccan man that has spent 50 years in the US sees the expelling of US missionaries:

Considering the boiling religious conflicts and how Moderate Islam has been put on the defensive by fatalistic and hateful extremists from the three Abrahamic faiths, Morocco’s action to remove the evangelists is appropriate. Sadly to say, while this action is entirely justifiable from a national security standpoint, it has prompted numerous negative reactions. The call for due process should not serve as an excuse to overlook the dangerous situation the evangelists put themselves in. On balance, the due process interests of the evangelists does not outweigh concerns for their personal safety and the national security interests of Morocco, indeed the global security interests of us all. Few would gain by Morocco’s failure to protect Christians against extremists, thereby ruining Morocco’s foundation as land of religious understanding and tolerance.
And he goes on further down saying:

The subject matter of a trial would have been whether the evangelists were proselytizing in contravention of Moroccan law. The parade of witnesses testifying in such a trial would serve only to enflame the already heated emotions of religious extremists at a time that calls for cool heads, not more fuel. Moreover, fueling religious confrontation is a likely outcome of such a trial. The very creed of evangelical Christianity is proselytizing, or converting others to their faith. The distorted views of Islam on the part of the evangelical leader Reverend Franklin Graham that have recently come to light are not an aberration, but rather reflect evangelical beliefs.

As a Moroccan and Moderate Moslem, I personally do not want to see the diplomatic and security cooperation attained between Morocco, the United States, and the countries in Europe and elsewhere from which the evangelists came to be damaged by a hasty reaction calling for due process while the evangelists are safe in their home countries. Nor do I want to see Morocco, my beloved country, suffer negative consequences, particularly when it has practiced religious tolerance long before such tolerance was popular.

The Moroccan authorities should be supported for their swift action as well as congratulated for their relentless, continuing protection of the tens of thousands of non-Moslems, Christians and Jews, living in Morocco, observing their faiths, and respecting Moroccan laws.

Mr. Motapha Chtaini spent almost 50 years living in the US with frequent return trips to Morocco. He taught Urban Studies and City Planning at the University level for 20 years and served as Washington Bureau Chief of the Moroccan News Agency ( Maghreb Arabe Presse) for 20 years.
What Mr Motapha is transmitting here is:
-He is a moderate moslem.
-Expelling evangelist from Morocco is a good decision
-These evangelist will be better in their home countries because they were at risk.
-Morocco is a tolerant regime towards Christians and Jews
-He reckons that Moroccan laws forbid proselytizing
Such a lovely person this Mr. Motapha! He knows what is best for these American citizens and for those children they were looking after! But of course Moroco is such a tolerant country as long as you dont dare to give any moslim a Bible. He should have added that these things would have never happened if these folks would have not gotten in trouble being missionaries.
I am sure Mr Motapha, like many other "moderate" muslims supports the building of the mosque in NYC ground zero regardless of what most Americans may think of it, all for the sake of tolerance and good will!
I am a bit fed up, honestly, when "moderate" muslims defend things such as:
a.- A muslim male can marry a non muslim female, whereas a non muslim male cannot marry a muslim woman. They argue that since men are stronger and somehow have a larger capacity to influence (those "poor helpless" females) than women it is fine that a muslim man marry a christian woman because she will never be able to change her husband´s faith nor the faith that their children (compulsory) have: Islam.
b.- The penalty for the conversion of a muslim person into another faith is simple: Death. No problem for those who convert to Islam, all are welcome. Now imagine that the Pope would say that death is what christians will face if they become muslims; all muslims would critizice him for that.
Let´s not allow these hypocrites fool us with their boring speech:
"Hey you infidels, watch out because if you do not help us moderate muslims the bad bad guys will take us over and you will be in trouble. Help us Western world, but dont expect reciprocity by any means!"
Mr. Barack Mohamend Obama, please ask the Muslim world for respect, for TRUE respect, ask for reciprocity, true reciprocity and do not support the building of any mosque until churches, pagodas, sinagogues etc can be built in muslim countries. Show strength, the same strength we, unfortunately will never see in our down on her knees before Islam President Zapatero.
Meanwhile, please zero mosques in ground zero!

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Morocco, Spain´s friendly foe and what does Zapatero owe Mohamed.

It is really amazing to hear each and every important Spanish politician that good relations with Morocco are a must. It is even more shocking to hear Socialist politicians saying that we, Spain, have always great relations with the Kingdom of Morocco.
Good relations with Morocco is something desirable but it is far from being a must, and when someoene dares to say that we have such lovely relations with Moroccan autorities is maybe forgetting that we have had a war incident 7 years ago when kicking Moroccan soldiers off a small Spanish sovereignty island (Perejil), and forgetting as well that we have had no Moroccan ambassador for the last 8 months!
Most of Morocco´s strategic objectives include the need to weaken Spain. A strong Spain controlling from both sides the strait of Gibraltar (mainland Spain and Ceuta /Melilla) and developing a proactive foreign policy in Northern Africa is King-Dictator´s Mohamed VI worst nightmare.
Moroccan services know that a socialist led cabinet is always weaker. Socialist are more reluctant to show teeth, they also carry this unique Spanish guilt complex that consist in a "please forgive us" attitude towards any one who calls us racists or simply anyone saying they are "moderate" muslims.
Morocco knows that over a million of their citizens living in Spain and some even serving in our armed forces are a very important asset in their strategic game, but it is not the most important asset.
Every intelligence service knows that updated, relevant and dirty information about your rival is precious. In the intelligence arena Morocco has probably as much relevant information as Spain does but Morocco has a huge advantage: Morocco is not a democracy.
There is nothing such as free press, free television or freedom of opinion, the King and his people can do and undo at their own discretion and they can shut a radio station, censor newspapers and arrest journalist and no one will dare to protest. The Moroccan authorities have almost nothing to fear about their public opinion having access to confidential information leaked from Spanish secret services.
On the contrary Spanish authorities, from King Juan Carlos down to the last government official, have much more to fear about the use that Moroccan secret services do of the delicate information they manage.
The fact that it is very likely, in my case I am certain, that Morocco manages really compromising and delicate information about Madrid terrorsit attack in March 11th 2004 is a terrible threat to Spanish socialist government.
The possibility that Morocco´s services leak evidences that could lead to prove that some pro-socialist individuals operating in the "sewing system" of the Ministry of the Interior during the José María Aznar´s administration knew more about the terrorist attack is a devastating scenario for Spanish socialist government now.
If Morocco leaks information proving that pro-socialist elements were acting on their own during the conservative administration of Aznar and that these elements plotted so as to change the colour of the government in 2004, Zapatero would have to resign.
The sole idea of a joint venture between low profile Moroccan drug dealer criminals, that "happened" to be also police informers, and "freelance" pro socialist elements from the Spanish security services to change a government by the use of terror seems a crazy thing if we are not in the context of what happened in Spain in March 2004:
1.- Hundreds of tons of debris and unclaimed personal belongings from passengers on board the trains (evidences) vanished. This is something completely out of the police procedures about crime scene investigation and evidence protection. Even in plain or train accidents the wreckages are kept for months to be studied.
2.- The little evidence that was left was not analyzed by the Forensic Police Lab as it is regularly done. In this case they were analyzed by the deactivation squad lab, which is a lab meant for on site first analysis not for proper in depth studies.
3.- This terrorist attack that took place 3 days prior to the general elections was "solved" in less than two days, exactly the time needed for the socialist party to siege the Popular Party offices accross the country.
4.- A new analysis carried by 6 experts (from Police, Guardia Civil and 2 independent) proved that the explosive that blasted in March 11th 2004 was not Goma2-ECO nor Goma 2-EC as it was "proved" shortly after the attack.
There are many more odd and unexplained things surrounding this black chapter in recent Spanish History, I simply wanted to bring some of these obscure facts so as to put you in context.
No doubt this is a very delicate issue, and since it remains dark and, to all common sense standards, unsolved any secret service that manages relevant information about it can twist Zapatero´s wrist and put him on his knees, and chances are that Moroccan services have relevant and very "dirty" intelligence concerning this "terrorist" attack.
The socialist government has very little time left being in office, therefore Morocco must act fast to add more concessions from Spain before softy Zapatero disappears from the politic scenario.
The demonstrations in Melilla´s border to complain against the frontier police, with the Moroccan police letting then act, is just another excuse to put pressure on Zapatero.
Of course Morocco´s services know that the information they have about March 11th 2004 can be dangerous for Moroccan interests too but they also know well that what for them would be dangerous for the Spanish government would be simply devastating and that is how the game goes: Morocco pushing as they bear their March 11th "gun" and Spain slowly retreating trying to calm them.
For Moroccan services this is the kind of information that can "burn" your hands and "kill" your adversary. You don´t want to get burnt but you can run that risk whereas your adversary can´t afford to "be killed".
And what does Morocco expect from Spain for being such a friendly foe? They want several things, money included, but on top of the list we find:
1.- A pro Moroccan position with regard to Western Sahara. Spain was the colonisal metropoly in 1975 when the "Green March" from Morocco occupied Western Sahara. Franco was in his dying bed and king Juan Carlos (still prince in those days) flew there fast to tell everyone we had to pack our stuff and leave the Saharaui people to the hands of blody Hassan II. For 35 years Morocco has occupied an invaded territory that claims to be part of itself and for those same years Saharaui people have fought them with the support of Algeria who in 1975 wanted an Atlantic gate and is Morocco´s number one adversary in Northern Africa. If Spain shifts from a moderate neutral position (a coward position to my understanding) to a more pro-Moroccan one that would mean a big moral victory for them and a big punch on Spanish speaking Western Sahara freedom fighters.
2.- A less intense relation with Algeria. Self-explanatory.
3.- More concessions in terms of European Union-Morocco relations. That translates into less restrictions for Morocco to export fruit and vegetables which of course, although many Spanish companies own these Moroccan export businesses, has an impact on Spanish products distribution accross the rest of Europe. Also means to grant Morocco with best in class agreements with the EU in all the fields of commerce and investment.
4.- To occupy the two Spanish cities in Northern Africa: Ceuta and Melilla. This is a long term objective that from a Moroccan perspective cannot be achived until they count with enough military strength and the approval of the USA or whatever regional or global power that may exist by the time they believe this goal must be achived. The Perejil island incident proved that the USA backed Spain while France was more pro-Moroccan and also proved that Aznar was up to no jokes when the commandos jumped from the helicopters. Another recurrent threat that Morocco uses is that a more radical Islamic regime would be a threat to these two Spanish cities and for that reason Spain must support Mohamed´s tyranny.
During the last 40 years our policy towards Morocco can be described using the sentence that Frank Delano Roosvelt once said referring to Somoza:
"He may be a son of a bitch but he is our son of a bitch"
In the game theory applied to foreign strategic relations when you play hawk against someone who plays dove usually you will get good results while the other part chooses to go on playing in dove "mode". This is the case here; Zapatero thinks that we owe Morocco something and he is playing the appeasement role, same as he does with any dictator of this planet, thinking he does that for the sake of some stupid concept named "Civilization Allience".
What is civilization dude? To put down women and mistreat them is civilization Zapatero? To prosecute gays? To chop the hands off thieves? To forbit the preaching of another religion?
What can Spain do to revert this situation? Easy; change into hawk "mode":
1.- Support Bereber factions in Northern Morocco. Create a network of radio and television broadcasting stations in Berber (something that is forbidden in Morocco) and weaken the King´s position in this part of the Moroccan Empire (it was not part of Morocco until the Sultan became king and the Rif gained independence from Spain and the souther part of the country gained control over the Berber lands of the Kabilas)
2.- Support Western Sahara independence in the UN and all the international forums. Grant Saharaui people Spanish support and humanitarian aid and financial funds. Broadcast for the Western Sahara from Canary Islands for the sake of free information and the right of the Saharaui people to have their own mass media.
3.- Sell technology and weapons to Algeria, train their police officers and military personnel. Foster Algeria´s role in the UE-Northern Africa relations. Support Algerian territorial claims (there is a land of about 200.000 square kilometers claimed by Morocco and Algeria)
4.- Help true democratic parties and movements in Morocco allowing them to have voice and presence. Foster a real change in the Moroccan regime, proving that the Tyranny can be replaced for something different than the Islamic fundamentalism.
This last point is the most important one. Helping democracy flourish in Morocco and helping Moroccan people to prosper (without the fear of an almighty feudal regime that controls everything deciding who can get rich and sucking the wealth off the poor Moroccan citizens) would be terrific.
Only the border between North and South Korea exemplifies a bigger gap than the gap between Spain and Morocco in terms of income per capita. This wealth gap must be closed as much as possible and that can´t be done with the current rotten regime. I believe that fostering a large and influent middle class in Morocco and creating the appropriate environment of confidence and freedom is the best that can be done for the sake of Moroccans and Spaniards.

Friday, 13 August 2010

Dictator-King of Morocco Mohamed thinks we are racists too

Mohamed, the son of Hassan, has had a phone call from our king Juan Carlos, aka "my family goes first".
The reason for this call is that these last days continuous and "spontaneous" demonstrations against Spanish Police are taking place in the border between our two countries near the Spanish city of Melilla.
These demonstrators are boycotting the normal traffic of merchandises between Morocco and Spain and have caused shortage in Melilla´s markets.
The cause of these demonstrations according to rioters is that the Spanish Police is treating Moroccan subjects with disrespect and showing racist prejudices.
The Spanish Foreign Affair minister, Mr. Moratinos, has not yet made any comment on these serious events, as a matter of fact he seems not to be "available".
King Juan Carlos has had to call Mohamed the sixth to ask for some clarification and the government spokeswoman María Teresa Fernández de la Vega has said that this is not going to affect our good relations with our southern neighbours.
I find so odd and so stupid the fact that all our government cabinets have always issued these same statements when it comes to any matter concerning Morocco. For any not well informed observer that would read this official statements it would seem as if our relations with Morocco were at the level of those the USA has with neighbour Canada.
But the truth is that Morocco is not a democracy by any means, that no one decides in such Theocracy to demonstrate in front of the border insulting the Spanish Police and denigrating the female officers with irrespectful pictures if they do not count with the royal support.
The prove to what I am saying is that these demonstrations take place right before Moroccan Police and that these policemen do not do anything to prevent these people from insulting and denigrating.
Who are the racists in this play? Because this is a play that is being directed by the Moroccan King. Are the Spanish police officers in the border racist? I cannot answer that question. I can just say that I am sure some are and some are not, and that each and everyone of them will have his or her opinion about Morocco, and that maybe the constant traffic of hash and the lack of respect that many Moroccan males show to policewomen can create a bad image in some Spaniards, including police officers.
I can also say that slapping a female agent is probably a demonstration of hatred and lack of principles and maybe someone could call that an act of racism.
The racist argument is just an excuse for the Moroccan secret service and feudal king Mohamed to put pressure on our weak government. A government run by the mesiah of something he calls the "Civilization Allience", a man who has brought misery and poverty to Spaniards.
A man that while fighting hard to allow 16 year old girls to abort without parental consent or to grant the right to adopt to homosexual couples did not really care to fight our raging unemployment. Our President, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, a man everyone consideresd a clown among high net worth politicians after his speech during the Bilderberg Meeting in Sitges (Barcelona). He will be fighting to change our consciences and he will be, and he is and acts as, the biggest of cowards when he must face a dictator such as Mohamed or Hugo Cavez and tell them not to mess with us like former President José María Aznar did.
Mohamed knows that Spain is weaker than ever in the international arena and he plans to apply pressure to Zapatero so as to steal from us our two cities in Northern Africa: Ceuta y Melilla.
Mohamed knows a lot of things about what really happened before, during and after the March 11th 2004 terrorist attacks in Madrid.
Many of the arrested ones were Moroccans and in Morocco nothing escapes the control of the secret police. Maybe pieces of information could be leaked from Morocco.
Maybe that information could lead to prove that a plot orchestrated by pro-socialist elements withing the Spanish secret services and police together with some Moroccan scapegoats provided with the help of Moroccan services, that were nothing but small drug dealers and none of them belonged to Al Qaeda or even attended their Mosque on friday, were responsible of the terrorist attack.
That information could result devastating for Zapatero, who knows that the official theory about the march 11th attack has less solid grounds than the Moroccan plot, and he is going to go down on his knees before Mohamed or anyone that can threaten him in such way. Maybe that is the reason why king Juan Carlos has had to act as a royal foreign affairs minister.
Former President José María Aznar used the green beret elite forces to expel Moroccan troops from an small island of Spanish sovereignty (Isla Perejil), that was Mohamed first try and he found out that the guy with the moustache was up to no jokes...Maybe that caused 11th of March terrorist attacks in Madrid that was the direct cause of Zapatero victory three days after.
Mohamed and Zapatero both know that bearing such "weapon" could cause a lot of harm to both parties and Mohamed and Zapatero know that Ceuta and Melilla becoming Moroccans would cause a revolt in Spain and very likely a war against Morocco and Zapatero would have to look for shelter in Rabat.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

The US State Department removes contentious advice about Spain racist prejudices. Wow, thank you!!

The Obama administration removed this racism warning about Spain from the Department of State web page only a few hours before Michelle Obama landed in our country.
According to the State Department until August 2nd 2010 Afro-Americans visiting Spain were more likely to be arrested due to Spanish Police racist prejudices.
Thank you Hillary for considering us all of the sudden less racist than a week ago!! Thank you Barack and Michelle for giving us the chance to demonstrate that we are no bigots any more!!
We want to become a country as politically correct as the USA where black people (I call black black and white white otherwise I would have to be considered a European American if I was living in the US and if I was black I would be an Euro-African-American and that does not make sense to me) living in Chicago, Los Angeles, Detroit or New York have the same chances of being arrested than white people. We want to become a country where black people have the same opportunities to catch a taxi as white folks same as they do in the streets of New York at 1 am at night...
Since Michelle Obama´s visit to Spain we have gotten ridden of our sick racist mindset, now we are a bit more liberals and open minded and we shall go riding our donkeys in our bullfighter outfit down the streets of Madrid or Barcelona with our heads up high. Now we can all sleep our 3 hour daily siesta without having racist nightmares due to eating to much paella and drinking too much sangria.
We have carried this problem for centuries and I am not talking about racism, Brits and Americans are about 10 times more racist than we are, I am talking about bad-press and our black legends.
During the Spanish-American war, the yellow press led by Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer, published all kinds of supposed atrocities.
Frederick Remington while in Cuba told Hearst:
"Everything is quiet. There is no trouble. There will be no war. I wish to return."
Supposedly, although he (Hearst) denied it afterwards, he quickly wired back:
"Please remain. You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war."
Americans wanted Cuba at any cost and in my opinion they blew one of their ships (The USS Maine) in a Spanish harbour and entered that war for which the southern states and some fruit companies longed for so many years.
Barack Obama himself said in his famous speech to Egyptian students at Cairo University:

"Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance. We see it in the history of Andalusia and Cordoba during the Inquisition". HAHAHAHAHAAHA
If I said something like:
Spain has a proud history of baseball players. We see it in the history of London during the Soccer Championship
It would make much more sense than Obama´s sentence. Obama claims himself as a historian sometimes, then how can hen read this total fiction sentence without blushing?
During the Inquisition (it would be more appropriate to say in the time of...) Cordova was no longer under Islam´s fist. It had been reconquest by Ferdinand the Third in 1236 and all the lives of the inhabitants respected.
The Inquisition was enforced in Spain in 1478.
So that supposedly tolerant muslim Cordova never coexisted with the Spanish Inquisition!!
Obama could have said that the best NBA seasons and matches took place during the Florence Renaissance and it would be as close to be true as his totally absurd sentence about Islam.
And going back to the Inquisition. It appears that Inquisition must always go together with the adjective "Spanish" like if it was something unique to Spain.
Well the Inquisition was first established by Pope Lucio III in 1184 almost 300 years before it was implemented in Spain (after 800 years of war against Islam). Inquisition was founded for all the Christian world and it was implemented in almost every country before it began in Spain.
In fact English jews were expelled to Spain before we did that same thing centuries later. Both things are evil yes, and also both things must be put into a context too but please do not give Spain the monopoly for the Inquisition!!
We have carried that black legend for years and still carry it and maybe no one in the Anglosaxon world has taken a close look at how many descendents of native Americans are there in the USA or Canada and how many are there in Mexico, Bolivia, Ecuador, etc.
Anyway, thak you Hillary for granting us a better status in your web page!!
Soon I shall write something very unknown about a Spanish and an American Hero named Bernardo Gálvez (Galveston is named after him) and how he busted half a dozen British Forts with a bunch of the finest Spanish warriors in a time of revolt in a place some British folks still call "The Colonies" with some stiff upper lip attitude.

Saturday, 7 August 2010

A world without "real" money? No thanks

Some supermarkets in Holland don´t accept cash payments and by 2014 most of them will not take bank notes, only plastic money:


This decision is based on preventing armed robberies. There were 200 armed robberies in 2008 in Holland and there are thousands of supermsarkets, and yes most of us are against people assaulting businesses so maybe we should support this decission. Or should we not?

Regardless of the fact that credit cards do not always do its work due to magnetic failures, chips being screwed, or bank problems of all kinds (connections, lack of funds and so on)if a retailer in Holland does not accept a bank note issued in euros, Holland´s official currency, paper money becomes a second class type of money and those who have not access to plastic money will not have access to that retailer´s good or services.

Another important subject to be taken into consideration, if not the most important, is the answer to the question: Must everyone have a credit or a debit card? If the answer is yes then the next question is short and disturbing: Why?

Why must everyone be compelled to have plastic money? If the answer is what Dutch supermarket retailers have argued, preventing robberies, my reaction is a sarcastic laughing.

Forcing people to pay with plastic money for the sake of security is like forcing a woman to wear a burka to prevent her from being raped or, like we say in Spain, to kill flies with canon shells.

If you want to prevent robberies, do it investing in security, complaining at police office or any other way you can think of instead of cutting my freedom to use my money, which is legal tender, the way I want.

The three main reasons behind the whole idea of getting rid of paper money are to control, then to control and finally to control, period.

It is not enough that anyone can be tracked and located using the mobile phone signal, even whe it is shut, and that governments, like ours in Spain, are issuing identity documents including a microchip, now they want us to tell them all what do we buy, when do we buy it, where do we buy it and how often do we buy it.

that way they can know what medicines we purchase, how often do we refuel, where do we go and how long do we stay in a place.

In Spain our Government praises the advantages of the new chip incorporated identity card. You can access your social security payments, they say, you can pay your taxes using internet, you can ask for your labour record and so on.

That is all true; so handy, so trendy, and so convenient, but it is also handy for the government that you use this chip card and it is also really interesting to trace you using satellites anywhere in the world.

If you are among those who give up their privacy and freedom for the sake of handiness I guess you will not have any problem the day your funds have been confiscated for whatever reason or you have been imprisoned for driving too fast and they got that information out of ur mobile phone signal.

I personally want my children to buy candy without that buying information being given to someone other than the shop tender, I want to buy the newspaper I choose without leaving a trace and I want to have a coffee without the fear of having my insurance company being updated on my vicious habits and given them some tips about why must they raise my insurance policy.

Let us keep our cash and let us keep our privacy or at least let us do so while YOU, dear BigBro, track our DNA in our brand new bank notes.
Some of us do not want to go on our knees, if not to pray to our loved only God. Amen.

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Spaniards find abortion more acceptable than noisy people at night

According to a recent survey conducted by Caja Madrid´s (a Spanish Savings Bank) Foundation Spaniards find social behaviours such abortion or euthanasia far more acceptable than to make noise at night in the streets or driving too fast.
Below some social behaviours listed from the most well tolerated to the least acceptable for Spaniards with the percentage of acceptance / tolerance:

1.- To apply euthanasia to anyone who asks for it 60,2%
2.- Entire freedom to abort 54,2%
3.-To have sexual relations with a person of the same sex 44,4%
4.-Death penalty to persons with very serious crimes 35,8%
5.-To smoke in public buildings 23,5%
6.-To commit suicide 21,0%
7.-To benefit from a professional promotion playing with advantage 17,5%
8.-To make pitfall in examinations 16,9%
9.-To get drunk in public places 15,1%
10.-A love adventure outside marriage 14,2%
11.-To smoke marijuana or hashish in public places 13,6%
12.-Genetic Modification of the food 12,7%
13.-Cheat in taxes 11,8%
14.-To buy something that is likely to have been stolen 11,5%
15.-To do noise on weekend nights 10,7%
16.-Stealing goods in large Department Stores 7,3%
17.-To look for excuses to skip work 6,9%
18.-To lie in self-interest although it may harm others 6,8%
19.-Driving too fast 6,2%
20.-Hiring an immigrant with worse working conditions for the
fact of being an immigrant 4,5%
21.-Drunk driving 4,0%
Building excuses to skip work or to steal a perfume in a department store is a much worse behaviour than to abort under any circumstances for most Spaniards. I am a Spaniard too and I cannot say I am not a bit in shock after going through this survey. I feel disgusted and ashamed of belonging to a society more concerned with their sleep or with their colleagues excuses to not go to work than with who and why must decide about an old man´s fate.

What lies behind this survey is a rotten and sick society of individuals that as long as they are not bothered or directly threatened they do not give a shit. We are a flock of sheep that does not care about an unborn baby because the killing of that someone we don´t see does not affect us, but if that baby would be there smoking then we would find that a shame!

In my opinion the attitude of the Spanish society pictured in this survey represents the success of those who have submitted us for the last 4 decades to a constant social engineering process and shows how powerful certain groups can become with the help of a continuous media bombardment.

This is worse than moral relativism. Moral relativism basically implies that nothing is "completely" good or bad and that it all depends on the context and so on... This survey shows that us Spaniards think that bad, wrong, evil and unacceptable things are those that can directly affect us in our lives: smoke, noise, cheating colleagues, drunk drivers and "illegal shoppers" (probably because we all know those robberies are included in what we pay).

In my opinion this survey proves that it is not (only) that we think that nothing is totally good or bad but that we tolerate and admit much more some really awful, bad and evil things like abortion or euthanasia because it is something that does not directly affect us.
Going more into detail this survey also shows that the younger the people the more upside down their values are.
Finally I find some comfort in that we find regrettable that immigrants are unfairly treated when hired, that is the only good news I can see in this dreary survey. I am also optimistic given the fact that the action-reaction principle has been a constant in human History and this status quo will revert into a healthier society despite some big brother wannabes.
Can you read me Zapatero?
I would appreciate all readers comments!! Be my guests! You can post news too! Contact me admin@yourglobalevent.com

Monday, 2 August 2010

About "cojones", Obama, Zapatero and King Juan Carlos

We talked some days ago about the fact that Fighting Bulls are allowed to keep their malehood attributes whereas beef bulls are castrated around the age of 6...months.

According to Sarah Palin Barak Obama must be a beef bull as we can see in the above video when she accuses President Obama of not having "cojones" which is the slang and macho word for testicles.

With respect to inmigration our President José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero lacks "cojones" as well, same as when it comes to defend our national interests abroad or when he should address some hard words to our neighbour dictator King Mohamed of Morocco...King Juan Carlos, who has and shares several economic interests with muslim countries dictators has the cojones required to look after his royal wealthy family and those same cojones vanish into the air when it comes to do his job and explicitly defend the unity of our country. Juan Carlos has retractable cojones, something really handy to keep his throne a bit more but a shame for all Spaniards.

Michelle Obama´s visit to Spain. Good news for Spain´s economy.

Michelle Obama and her daughter Sasha will spend some of their holidays in Costa del Sol´s world famous Marbella.
According to "Oak Power Comunicación", the company that has conducted the analysis, Obama´s wife and daughter visit to Spain will be covered by 660 televisions, 2500 newspapers, 2100 internet media, 900 radios, and 1950 magazines.
This massive coverage constitutes a great showcase for Marbella, Andalusia and the whole Spain in the international media and it is a great opportunity for Spain to be considered among the safest, most chic and exclusive touristic destinations. Oak Power Comunicación calculates in 800 million the cost of a marketing campaign with similar results as those the visit of America´s first lady will bring.
In fact Spain is a terrific holiday destination that combines affordable prices, quality services, good infrastructures, and an amazing cultural offer combined with probably the best cusine in the world. But Obama´s family choice adds something really important for US toursits: acknowledging Spain is safe place to travel to. This is probably one of the most, if not the most, important things US tourist take into consideration when deciding where to travel and for Americans if the first lady chooses Spain that means not only that she likes the destination but that the President considers Spain a safe place.
So welcome Mrs. Obama! Enjoy paella and our great fish, relax in our beaches, be amazed by our monuments and do not forget to tell your friends and neighbours about what nice people we are. So nice that maybe we do not deserve the curse of having Mr. Zapatero as our President!!