Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Islam and reciprocity two words that don´t combine. Gadhafi preaches while Mohamed VI´s police beats 14 Spaniards
Thursday, 26 August 2010
Afghan War is a Humanitarian Mission and other Zapatero´s lies

Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Is paying a ramson the best choice? Zapatero once again makes us all pay.
- Yesterday night 2 Spanish citizens, Roque Pascual and Albert Vilalta, that were kept hostages, suppousedly by Al Qaeda (its Magrheb branch) returned in an special flight to Spain.
- When they were kidnapped they were participating in a humanitarian trail in one of the most unsecure areas of Northwest Africa. They were deprived of their freedom for as long as 9 months.
- Previous to their liberation a female colleague, Alicia Gámez, was liberated on the grounds that she had converted to Islam.
- During Zapatero´s press conference yesterday no questions were allowed. He simply congratulated himself for the liberation of the two Spaniards. His minister of the Interior when asked about the information pointing to the payment of a 5 to 10 million euros ramson simply quoted that "it was no time to address that subject"
It is very interesting to find out that while Zapatero disappeared during the Melilla crisis and so did his Foreign Affairs minister, in this case he was before the flashes in less than 24 hours.
Yet another interesting "coincidence" is that these two Spaniards gained back their freedom inmediately after minister Rubalcaba (Interior) had an out of the agenda meeting with King Mohamed VI of Morocco. Mr Rubalcaba was in Morocco to solve a crisis that the Foreign Affairs ministry had denied its mere existence 24 hours before. Instead of sending the Foreign Affairs top authority as it corresponds when there is a crisis between two countries Mr Zapatero sent his expert in negotiating within the dirtiest sewer systems of politics and secret services.
We have stated here that we do suspect that Zapatero is scared to death of what Mohamed VI may have to say with respect to the terrorist attack in Madrid, March 11th 2004, and Mr. Moratinos (Foreign Affairs) is not as hard a negotiator as Mr Rubalcaba who knows at least as much as Zapatero does.
Regardless of the connections between Mohamed VI and Rubalcaba surprise meeting yesterday and the liberation of the 2 hostages some hours later the fact is that most high net worth politicians, news executives and most Spanish public opinion suspect that a ramson has been paid.
And not a cheap tip to these criminals, but some amount around 5 to 10 million euros. Le us be straight forward on this: Criminals will use that ransom to commit crimes and among pirates, desert abductors of all kinds and international criminals kidnapping Spanish citizens means big money.
It is more than very likely that we have paid more than once to Somalian pirates to liberate 2 Spanish fishing ships, whereas France shot them shells from navy vessels and arrested the criminals.
But for Zapatero, and his gang of useless bloodsuckers paying criminals is more "humanitarian". According to a press release from the abductors these two Spaniards were liberated due to Spanish humanitarian approach (in comparison to France attacking them and them murdering a French citizen).
In the international "market" of terrorism attacking Spain or its citizens does pay off well. And in the mid and long term we shall pay the consequences and no one will remember that those troubles originated in a weak and scared coward´s mind.
A President like Mr Zapatero who became President in 2004 three days right after the worst (and oddest in terms of who, how) terrorist attack, and that did nothing to help the justice and police clarify what really happened, can be a muppet that any secret service can manipulate.
Zapatero is a danger not only for Spain, but for the Western world as a whole. Do not forget we are the borderline between the Western Civilization and Islam.
Meanwhile we can´t afford to pay ramsons for people who put their lifes at risk by wondering around the desert´s most unsecure areas. The Spanish government does not pay millions in ramsons to "domestic" kidnappers, why should we all pay terrorist who kidnap people who know the risks they are running?
TweetMonday, 23 August 2010
Almunia wants more taxes in Europe. How much do we pay you to say that?

Friday, 20 August 2010
Spain´s Foreign Affair Minister: "There has not been any crisis or conflict"

Wednesday, 18 August 2010
Spain´s President Zapatero on his knees before Morocco imperial dreams

More about Islam and reciprocity
Now imagine the Spanish Interior Ministry dictating the inmediate expelling of that mullah for proselytizing in Spain, no trial and no arrest just putting him on board a ship on his way to Morocco.
Yo can bet that the Moroccan authorities would be complaining and calling all Spaniards racist and intolerant.
Moroccan authorities expel christian missionaries (from the US, Spain, New Zealand, Holland, etc.) and any christian they suspect is proselytizing. No reaction from our Spanish government.
Imagine the US government forbidding the building of any mosque in America. What would the Saudis have to say?
Proselytism is forbidden in Morocco. Churches can´t exist in Saudi Arabia. Morocco actively support proselytism in Spain, Saudio Arabia funds the building of Mosques in the US.
Muslims men can marry non muslim women, muslims can build mosques in non muslim countries, muslims can proselytize in non muslim countries.
In reciprocity:
Non muslim men can´t marry muslim women (unless they convert), non muslims can´t build churches (sinagogues or any non muslim temple) in muslim countries, non muslims can´t proselytize in muslim countries.
Do I need to say more? Tweet
A mosque in NYC ground zero? Yes, but right after a cathedral is built in Mecca
From the web http://www.boiseweekly.com/
RABAT, Morocco — For 10 years, foreign Christians ran an orphanage called Village of Hope on the slopes of Morocco’s Middle Atlas Mountains, taking in abandoned Moroccan children and raising them in their homes.
But it took just a few hours Monday evening for Moroccan authorities to dissolve those foster families. Police gathered the 16 foreign volunteers and their biological children in a conference room and told them they had to leave the country immediately. Across the parking lot, 33 Moroccan children learned they would stay behind.
“It will be burned in my memory forever,” said Chris Broadbent, a New Zealander who worked as an administrator at the orphanage. “These kids just screamed across the car park to their parents to ask them if it was true. It was just chaos and so distressing, so terrible. I’ve never seen or experienced anything like it.”
Broadbent said Moroccan authorities took over the Village of Hope facility on Monday, but it is not yet clear whether the children will stay there or be sent somewhere else.
Morocco’s Interior Ministry claims the group “exploited some families' poverty and targeted their minor children,” violating rules on guardianship and breaking Morocco’s laws against proselytizing to Muslims.
Foreign Christian leaders in Morocco say the deportations are part of a country-wide campaign that signals a tough new stance against foreign evangelists who had been tolerated here for years.
Broadbent said the staff never tried to convert anyone, and maintained the orphanage had followed the same policies since it opened a decade ago: The children learned the Quran in school, but were raised by Christian parents.
“We were we looking after them, because nobody else would,” Broadbent said. “For 10 years they have openly, knowingly allowed us to do that and they never said we were breaking the law.”
They are not the only foreign evangelists to suddenly find themselves on the wrong side of the Moroccan government. A western diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity, said authorities placed several dozen or more on a list for deportation.
In addition to orphanage volunteers approximately 10 other foreign Christians accused of proselytizing were deported over the weekend from cities across the country, pastors and Christian aid groups said.
Those expelled come from the Netherlands, Britain, the Congo, New Zealand, South Africa, Brazil and the United States.
“We were disheartened and distressed to learn of the recent expulsion by the Moroccan Government of a number of foreigners, including numerous Americans, who had been legally residing in Morocco,” U.S. Ambassador Samuel Kaplan said in a statement. “While we expect all American citizens in Morocco to respect Moroccan law, we hope to see meaningful improvements in the application of due process in such cases.”
U.S. embassy officials declined to confirm who or how many people would be expelled but said the number is likely to rise. Pastors who have lived in Morocco for years say the sheer quantity of deportations is unprecedented in recent years.
“It’s like going to sleep and waking up and all of the sudden you’re in a different country,” said Jack Wald, who has spent 10 years as pastor of Rabat International Church, a protestant congregation in the capital. “This is a change in policy from the top of the government.”
“In my nine years in Morocco, never,” said Pastor Jean-Luc Blanc, authorized by the government to preach to foreigners at the Evangelical Church of Morocco. “Each year there are one or two expulsions like this, but never so many at one time.”
But Moroccan Communication Minister Khalid Naciri maintains that the expulsions are neither new, nor limited to Christian missionaries.
“The Moroccan government today deals harshly with whoever allows themselves to manipulate the religion of the people,” Naciri said. He cited government crackdowns on radical Islamist groups and expulsions of Shi’a Muslims proselytizing in this largely Sunni country.
Still, many in the expatriate Christian community here are wondering who’s next. Police have interviewed children at another older orphanage, also run by Christian evangelists, a few miles from The Village of Hope.
“They asked 'Do you know the Quran?' and they quoted the Quran to them,” said Jim Pitts, a native Virginian, has worked at the orphanage for 51 years.
Pitts says his staff members have come only to do charitable work and have never tried to convert anyone. But he’s still unsure what the authorities will do.
“I don’t know what’s going to happen with us,” he said. “We’ll see.”
Considering the boiling religious conflicts and how Moderate Islam has been put on the defensive by fatalistic and hateful extremists from the three Abrahamic faiths, Morocco’s action to remove the evangelists is appropriate. Sadly to say, while this action is entirely justifiable from a national security standpoint, it has prompted numerous negative reactions. The call for due process should not serve as an excuse to overlook the dangerous situation the evangelists put themselves in. On balance, the due process interests of the evangelists does not outweigh concerns for their personal safety and the national security interests of Morocco, indeed the global security interests of us all. Few would gain by Morocco’s failure to protect Christians against extremists, thereby ruining Morocco’s foundation as land of religious understanding and tolerance.
The subject matter of a trial would have been whether the evangelists were proselytizing in contravention of Moroccan law. The parade of witnesses testifying in such a trial would serve only to enflame the already heated emotions of religious extremists at a time that calls for cool heads, not more fuel. Moreover, fueling religious confrontation is a likely outcome of such a trial. The very creed of evangelical Christianity is proselytizing, or converting others to their faith. The distorted views of Islam on the part of the evangelical leader Reverend Franklin Graham that have recently come to light are not an aberration, but rather reflect evangelical beliefs.
As a Moroccan and Moderate Moslem, I personally do not want to see the diplomatic and security cooperation attained between Morocco, the United States, and the countries in Europe and elsewhere from which the evangelists came to be damaged by a hasty reaction calling for due process while the evangelists are safe in their home countries. Nor do I want to see Morocco, my beloved country, suffer negative consequences, particularly when it has practiced religious tolerance long before such tolerance was popular.
The Moroccan authorities should be supported for their swift action as well as congratulated for their relentless, continuing protection of the tens of thousands of non-Moslems, Christians and Jews, living in Morocco, observing their faiths, and respecting Moroccan laws.
Mr. Motapha Chtaini spent almost 50 years living in the US with frequent return trips to Morocco. He taught Urban Studies and City Planning at the University level for 20 years and served as Washington Bureau Chief of the Moroccan News Agency ( Maghreb Arabe Presse) for 20 years.
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Morocco, Spain´s friendly foe and what does Zapatero owe Mohamed.
Friday, 13 August 2010
Dictator-King of Morocco Mohamed thinks we are racists too
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
The US State Department removes contentious advice about Spain racist prejudices. Wow, thank you!!
"Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance. We see it in the history of Andalusia and Cordoba during the Inquisition". HAHAHAHAHAAHA
Saturday, 7 August 2010
A world without "real" money? No thanks
This decision is based on preventing armed robberies. There were 200 armed robberies in 2008 in Holland and there are thousands of supermsarkets, and yes most of us are against people assaulting businesses so maybe we should support this decission. Or should we not?
Regardless of the fact that credit cards do not always do its work due to magnetic failures, chips being screwed, or bank problems of all kinds (connections, lack of funds and so on)if a retailer in Holland does not accept a bank note issued in euros, Holland´s official currency, paper money becomes a second class type of money and those who have not access to plastic money will not have access to that retailer´s good or services.
Another important subject to be taken into consideration, if not the most important, is the answer to the question: Must everyone have a credit or a debit card? If the answer is yes then the next question is short and disturbing: Why?
Why must everyone be compelled to have plastic money? If the answer is what Dutch supermarket retailers have argued, preventing robberies, my reaction is a sarcastic laughing.
Forcing people to pay with plastic money for the sake of security is like forcing a woman to wear a burka to prevent her from being raped or, like we say in Spain, to kill flies with canon shells.
If you want to prevent robberies, do it investing in security, complaining at police office or any other way you can think of instead of cutting my freedom to use my money, which is legal tender, the way I want.
The three main reasons behind the whole idea of getting rid of paper money are to control, then to control and finally to control, period.
It is not enough that anyone can be tracked and located using the mobile phone signal, even whe it is shut, and that governments, like ours in Spain, are issuing identity documents including a microchip, now they want us to tell them all what do we buy, when do we buy it, where do we buy it and how often do we buy it.
that way they can know what medicines we purchase, how often do we refuel, where do we go and how long do we stay in a place.
In Spain our Government praises the advantages of the new chip incorporated identity card. You can access your social security payments, they say, you can pay your taxes using internet, you can ask for your labour record and so on.
That is all true; so handy, so trendy, and so convenient, but it is also handy for the government that you use this chip card and it is also really interesting to trace you using satellites anywhere in the world.
If you are among those who give up their privacy and freedom for the sake of handiness I guess you will not have any problem the day your funds have been confiscated for whatever reason or you have been imprisoned for driving too fast and they got that information out of ur mobile phone signal.
I personally want my children to buy candy without that buying information being given to someone other than the shop tender, I want to buy the newspaper I choose without leaving a trace and I want to have a coffee without the fear of having my insurance company being updated on my vicious habits and given them some tips about why must they raise my insurance policy.
Let us keep our cash and let us keep our privacy or at least let us do so while YOU, dear BigBro, track our DNA in our brand new bank notes.
Thursday, 5 August 2010
Spaniards find abortion more acceptable than noisy people at night
Below some social behaviours listed from the most well tolerated to the least acceptable for Spaniards with the percentage of acceptance / tolerance:
1.- To apply euthanasia to anyone who asks for it 60,2%
2.- Entire freedom to abort 54,2%
3.-To have sexual relations with a person of the same sex 44,4%
4.-Death penalty to persons with very serious crimes 35,8%
5.-To smoke in public buildings 23,5%
6.-To commit suicide 21,0%
7.-To benefit from a professional promotion playing with advantage 17,5%
8.-To make pitfall in examinations 16,9%
9.-To get drunk in public places 15,1%
10.-A love adventure outside marriage 14,2%
11.-To smoke marijuana or hashish in public places 13,6%
12.-Genetic Modification of the food 12,7%
13.-Cheat in taxes 11,8%
14.-To buy something that is likely to have been stolen 11,5%
15.-To do noise on weekend nights 10,7%
16.-Stealing goods in large Department Stores 7,3%
17.-To look for excuses to skip work 6,9%
18.-To lie in self-interest although it may harm others 6,8%
19.-Driving too fast 6,2%
20.-Hiring an immigrant with worse working conditions for the
fact of being an immigrant 4,5%
21.-Drunk driving 4,0%
Building excuses to skip work or to steal a perfume in a department store is a much worse behaviour than to abort under any circumstances for most Spaniards. I am a Spaniard too and I cannot say I am not a bit in shock after going through this survey. I feel disgusted and ashamed of belonging to a society more concerned with their sleep or with their colleagues excuses to not go to work than with who and why must decide about an old man´s fate.
What lies behind this survey is a rotten and sick society of individuals that as long as they are not bothered or directly threatened they do not give a shit. We are a flock of sheep that does not care about an unborn baby because the killing of that someone we don´t see does not affect us, but if that baby would be there smoking then we would find that a shame!
In my opinion the attitude of the Spanish society pictured in this survey represents the success of those who have submitted us for the last 4 decades to a constant social engineering process and shows how powerful certain groups can become with the help of a continuous media bombardment.
This is worse than moral relativism. Moral relativism basically implies that nothing is "completely" good or bad and that it all depends on the context and so on... This survey shows that us Spaniards think that bad, wrong, evil and unacceptable things are those that can directly affect us in our lives: smoke, noise, cheating colleagues, drunk drivers and "illegal shoppers" (probably because we all know those robberies are included in what we pay).
In my opinion this survey proves that it is not (only) that we think that nothing is totally good or bad but that we tolerate and admit much more some really awful, bad and evil things like abortion or euthanasia because it is something that does not directly affect us.
Going more into detail this survey also shows that the younger the people the more upside down their values are.
Finally I find some comfort in that we find regrettable that immigrants are unfairly treated when hired, that is the only good news I can see in this dreary survey. I am also optimistic given the fact that the action-reaction principle has been a constant in human History and this status quo will revert into a healthier society despite some big brother wannabes.
Can you read me Zapatero?
Monday, 2 August 2010
About "cojones", Obama, Zapatero and King Juan Carlos
We talked some days ago about the fact that Fighting Bulls are allowed to keep their malehood attributes whereas beef bulls are castrated around the age of 6...months.
According to Sarah Palin Barak Obama must be a beef bull as we can see in the above video when she accuses President Obama of not having "cojones" which is the slang and macho word for testicles.
With respect to inmigration our President José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero lacks "cojones" as well, same as when it comes to defend our national interests abroad or when he should address some hard words to our neighbour dictator King Mohamed of Morocco...King Juan Carlos, who has and shares several economic interests with muslim countries dictators has the cojones required to look after his royal wealthy family and those same cojones vanish into the air when it comes to do his job and explicitly defend the unity of our country. Juan Carlos has retractable cojones, something really handy to keep his throne a bit more but a shame for all Spaniards.